Another poll question: Do you dump?
Hmmm, not really. Sugar does nothing for me (I don't indulge often) so I can eat something sweet and nothing happens. There are things I can't handle well like bbq(I get the foamies almost every time). I can' t do bacon but I don't consider that dumping.
I've never had the feeling of shakes and heart palpitations, etc. I thought I dumped long, long ago on something with sugar alcohols but I think that was a fluke because I just wasn't feeling good that day. Sugar alc. don't bother me.
Yes, I believe I dump, although I haven't really pushed the issue. My only experience has been with 2 oz of baked beans early out. I ate them, knowing the sugar content but thinking such a small amount would be okay, and about 10-15 minutes later starting feeling really.... weird. Can't describe it, very spacy, heart beating rapidly, clammy, etc. About 20 minutes after THAT started, the rumbling started and about 10 minutes after THAT I wound up on the
ejecting said offensive foods.
I've also had problems with adding any amount of sugar (even just a couple of grams) to milk. Similar reaction, but not as severe. Makes me wanna sleep.
Beyond that, I haven't eaten anyting with more than a few grams of sugar. I haven't tried anything deep fried, so I don't know about fats, and keep my carbs fairly low, as well. I don't seem to have a problem with sugar-alcohols, though, as I do treat myself occasionally to a SF cookie or something like that.