Broke a Nail! *Stomps Foot*

Becky Sue
on 10/2/05 9:22 pm - Fort Wayne, IN
Okay, so, Tom, Joe and Andy, I don't expect you to get this one, but for the rest of you Maysters, are you finding yourself becoming more "girly"? I've never been overly "girly" - was always a tomboy, playing Starwars in the woods with the boys, shooting BB guns, etc. Not that I was "manly", but really feminine stuff never really appealed to me. I've started buying "cute", "sexy" underweard. I started painting my toenails. I grew out my fingernails and started getting regular manicures. I pay more attention to jewelry, makeup and perfume. I broke a nail yesterday, or at least cracked it, and nursed it all day with the thoughts of somehow saving it but by the end of the night, it was a lost cause and I clipped it off. Now, I have these nice, long, beautiful nails except the middle finger on my right hand. And I am so p*ssed about it! And you know what p*sses me off the most? The fact that it BOTHERS me!!! ARGHHHH!!!!!! Becky Going back to work today and stalling getting ready cuz I don't really feel like it...
Kats Krazy
on 10/2/05 9:32 pm - Palm Coast, FL
Awww Becky, What a way to start a Monday. Sorry this happend. Good luck at work. Kat
Kathy & Rich
on 10/2/05 10:04 pm - Fairfax, VA
Hey, babe... When all you got to complain about is a broken nail - it ain't a bad day! I do know what you mean about feeling a bit more "girly". Defiinitely. I've always been a bit of a tomboy type girl...followed my Dad around "What ya doing?" Heck I learned alot of good household skills that way. I do a mean spackling job. But now with the extra weight off - I'm more interested in wearing jewelry (which I have a ton of), wearing makeup, occassionally painting my nails and yes...sexier underwear. Then again...almost anything is sexy compared to granny panties. I finally went through and purged my underwear drawer a week or two ago. Rich and I laughed at the size of some things. Ouch! Sorry that you broke your nail. I do not how that hurts physically. And I do now how I hate it when that happens - the anal rententive part of me wants all nails to match in size and color. LOL! I don't feel like working either... I best get to it though... Take care, Kathy
on 10/2/05 10:43 pm - Jeffersonville, IN
Becky, I love your post because you made me giggle this early in the morning!!! Since my daughter got me that pedicure the other day I have been wanting to walk around showing off my toes!! How silly huh! I know I have never really taken care of my feetsies like I should, just never made myself much of a priority!!!!
on 10/2/05 11:50 pm - somerville, NJ
Lol, I can definitely relate, I like to think I was somewhat stylish before...but you should see me in Wal-Marts cosmetic aisle...scary, and the jewelry...we wont even there. Beacuase its hard to indulge in clothes due to our changing size, I accessorize!
on 10/3/05 12:07 am - Bloomington, IN
I think many of us can relate to the changes you describe. Perhaps we spent so many years trying to hide ourselves, we didn't wear things that drew attention to us. We were trying to stay under the radar, so to speak. A friend of mine that had WLS almost a year ago has said that she has become high maintenance.........getting hair and nails done, etc. I think we are more conscious of our appearance, and more proud of ourselves! Plus, we must admit, that we can find cuter, sexier clothes in smaller sizes!
on 10/3/05 2:54 am - Magna, UT
Becky, The 90 lbs I've lost now has me fitting in all the beautiful jewelry I own. I'm wearing as much of it as I can each day and loving it! Pretty girly, huh? Lori 384/294/170
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