Not eating to potential?
This is gonna sound stupid, but I'll try to say it as best as I can. I don't think that I am filling my pouch. Hence the reason, that I am always eating. Maybe if I was full I wouldn't eat? But I'm so scared to eat, I cut myself off without feeling satisfied, only to graze a little while later. Like right now I am sooo full, I couldn't eat another thing. Maybe this is the feeling I should look for or no???? Help? I'm confused.
I certainly understand what you are saying. I think perhaps you should eat more at meal time without overeating to the point of discomfort. Eat til you get that...Idon'treallythinkIshouldeatanotherbite point. Leave your stomach sated.
1. I would certainly make sure that your meals are high in protein since protein will sit with you longer.
2. Having some fat in there too isn't a bad idea. It helps slow down some absorption leaving you feeling fuller for long.
3. Do not drink til at least 30 minutes after your meal. If you can go a bit longer - do it.
4. Make the food interesting. Don't bore yourself. Make it tasty so that you feel like eating a post-op portion.
5. Eat something ever 3-4 hours between meals and supplements. Again - don't eat an all carb meal - it won't stay with you.

Hi Aliya,
I know what you mean. If I eat small portions then I find I get hungry again soon, but if I eat till I am full I feel yucky. I asked the surgeon at my support group meeting this week what I should be doing (I have had a stall this month) he said no bread, pasta, or potato's not that I ate alot of them but just the same. He also said only one fruit a day, while fruit is healthy it has alot of sugar, I dont think I typically ate more than one but I know I probably ate more than a portion when I ate melon which he says to watch out for. I am getting back to my 3 meals 3 snacks routine (this is what my doc recommends) who knew this would be so difficult!