September Stats
Good Morning Mayers,
Between August's Challenge and September's Challenge I lost some Mayer's. In order to post these results in "September", I've taken the liberty to use the #'s reported in August to fill in the blanks on the 30 people that didn't respond yet.
The good news is that we are now at 68 people responding to the challenge.
Here are some fun facts....
The 68 Mayers *****ported started at a combined weight of 21,139lbs. (There are bridges that we couldn't cross as a group).
We have lost over 4,800lbs to date. (more because I re-used some Aug #'s)
The average Mayer wants to loose over 150lbs.
In 4 short months, we have lost over 45% of our excess weight. About 71lbs per person.
Keep up the Great work Mayers
I'll ask for #'s again next month...
Kate Z (the math geek)