Anyone else from May with hair loss?
I've EASILY lost 1/2 of my hair. Pre-op it would take an ENTIRE (I mean really scraping the last few drops out) two bottles of hair color to do my hair. I colored my hair a few weeks ago and I barely finished one bottle and my hair is longer than it was pre-op. The length keeps growing, but I'm losing tons. It started probably 6 weeks ago or so.
I started taking hair,skin and nails right after surg. to no avail. My hair started falling out in August and I too have probably lost 50% of my hair. But I knew this was going to happen because of all that I'd read on this site. And I know in my hert that it will grow back. Its just a part of our journey. Keep your chin up ladies, this too shall pass.
Hello all!
I'm losing my hair as well. I've lost 80 pounds now and my hair loss started late July/early August. I notice it a lot, but no one has said anything to me. I have short, fine, blonde hair and I can really notice it on top. I don't have any suggestions and have the same frustrations that everyone else is experiencing. I sure hope it slows down soon or I'll be bald! LOL
It can be depressing at times...but, I'll work through it.
I had long hair i used to ponytail. When i realized i was going to have hair loss, i had it buzzed. This way i dont see the big clumps of hair, in my brush. My hair has thined out in the front top, and along the sides a little. But its only makeing me start to look my age, cause i have a baby face, dimples and a full head of hair.... Now im starting to show the onramps and the signs of the forest thinning out for the freeway. If what ive read is true it will comeback,,, i hope. It still looks good, its only thined out no bald spots yet. I will shave bald if i develope that freeway down the middle.
I starting shedding about 2 weeks ago. I'm not losing clumps, but every time I run my hands through my hair, I come away with about 5-10 strands.
I was good with protein since the first week post-op, I have been taking biotin since about week three and using Nioxin for the last 4 weeks. Who knows if it would have been worse if I hadn't been following that routine.
Ah well, it will grow back.

My hair was very, very, very thin for many years before my surgery (thyroid problems). I've taken Biotin, used Nioxin shampoo & faithfully drank my daily protein drinks. I thought that would guard against losing any more hair.
About 2 weeks ago I noticed about 10 or 15 strands come out when I run my fingers through my hair & I see hair on the bathroom counter when I comb my hair in the morning. If it doesn't stop in a few more weeks, I'll probably have to spring for a wig or a "piece."
I never really had a gorgeous head of hair (as an adult), so I guess it's not that traumatic to me. I'm just so dang happy to be losing weight & not feeling "deprived" when I eat a meal.