Secret Pals
Hi Everyone,
On the MI board we have a "Secret Pal"
exchange. People signed up, filled out a interest form and then were assigned a secret pal. Each month we send at least one gift based on a theme. You can also send e-cards or somthing extra if there is a special date like a b-day or anniversary. My question is would any of you like to do this type of thing? I would be willing to co-ordinate if there is an interest. I participate on the MI board and I have a blast! I already have my gifts for the next 2 months, lol.
Let me know what you think.
P.S. My silent auction at work raised $1280! With double matching that comes to a whopping $3840 for the Red Cross Hurricane Katrina Relief efforts.

email me at [email protected] and I will send you the form.
email me at [email protected] and I will send you the form.