Time for another "poll" of sorts...

Kathy & Rich
on 9/22/05 8:34 am - Fairfax, VA
I have been shirking my responsibilities here amongst my Maysters and haven't posted one of my polls in a while so here goes. This one will be a bit different. Remember...what is posted here...stays here. I'm just going to ask questions to judge where every one is four months into their post-op life: 1. Tried carbonated beverages? How soon after surgery? Any reactions? How often? 2. Tried sugar? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (dumping)? How often do you eat sugar? 3. Tried alcohol? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (hit you harder than when you were pre-op)? How often do you imbibe? 4. Vitamins? Do you take then regularly? 5. Water? Do you get your minimum 64 oz a day? In what form? 6. Protein? How many grams a day? How many from supplements? How many from food approximately? 7. Exercise? Regularly? How many times a week? What do you do? 8. Follow up with your doctor/surgeon? Had any blood work done yet? 9. Any post-op issues/complications? Follow-up surgeries or hospitalizations? Kathy
Kathy & Rich
on 9/22/05 8:43 am - Fairfax, VA
1. Tried carbonated beverages? How soon after surgery? Any reactions? How often? Yep. Tried it over Labor Day at my sister's house in NY. The new splenda sweetened diet 7-up. Only reaction was lots of burps! I have had some since - I'd say 2-3 cans a week. Yummm... 2. Tried sugar? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (dumping)? How often do you eat sugar? Nope. 3. Tried alcohol? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (hit you harder than when you were pre-op)? How often do you imbibe? Nope. 4. Vitamins? Do you take then regularly? Yes, they are very much part of the routine. 5. Water? Do you get your minimum 64 oz a day? In what form? Yes. I drink it as regular water. I have a 20 oz insulated container and fill it in the morning and try my hardest to get that down on the way to work after finishing my protein shake. Then I fill it again and again. I try to drink 3 full containers a day plus whatever else I get in from decaf tea, decaf coffee, etc. 6. Protein? How many grams a day? How many from supplements? How many from food approximately? I get anywhere from 80 to 100 grams a day from protein shakes alone. I don't know how much from food. My meals are all protein based with vegies and only after that...fruit or other carbs. My body doesn't like pasta, rice, bread, etc - and I find if I eat those...my weight loss stalls or even goes up temporarily. 7. Exercise? Regularly? How many times a week? What do you do? I'm inconsistent with exercise. I have been getting out daily and walking two laps around our parking lot at work but other than that...I'm a bit light on exercise lately. I was doing PT twice a week for my back but didn't have appointments last week or this week. I need to work on this! 8. Follow up with your doctor/surgeon? Had any blood work done yet? Yes, just had my 4 month check with my surgeon and with my PCP. Waiting for the rest of my blood work to be returned. I have an appointment with my endo next week regarding my pesky parathyroid (was an issue pre-op and remains one!) 9. Any post-op issues/complications? Follow-up surgeries or hospitalizations? I had some pouch pain a month after surgery. Think food got stuck and irritated it and for the next day or so everything going down made it feel very sore. Surgeon had me go for an EGD. No sign of stricture but I was dialated. For the past two weeks or so, pain in my side about 30 minutes to an hour after eating. Right under the bottom of my ribcage or behind it a bit. Hard to describe. Almost like a "stitch" type pain. Light though. I'd say a 1-2 on a scale of 1 to 10 but yesterday and today I'd say a strong 2 so I think it is escalating. Docs think it is gallbladder and I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning. Kathy
on 9/22/05 9:06 am - Lompoc, CA
Hi Kathy, 1. Tried carbonated beverages? How soon after surgery? Any reactions? How often? I have had a few sips of Diet Coke from my husband's glass, but I don't want to have problems with my pouch, so I choose other beverages. 2. Tried sugar? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (dumping)? How often do you eat sugar? I dumped on a Non Fat Frozen Yogurt from Costco at about 8 weeks post op, so from then on I am very cautious about how much sugar I eat. I will take a small bite here and there, but never too much. 3. Tried alcohol? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (hit you harder than when you were pre-op)? How often do you imbibe? I tried alcohol in late July, and found that I can drink without problems. yes I get buzzed fast, but it wears off fast. I have only had alcohol about 3 or 4 times. 4. Vitamins? Do you take then regularly? YES! I am very anal about getting my vitamins in daily. 5. Water? Do you get your minimum 64 oz a day? In what form? Nope. I try. I have good intentions, but I fall short almost every day. I really need to work on this one. 6. Protein? How many grams a day? How many from supplements? How many from food approximately? I get in about 100 g of protein a day. Most of it is from food, including protein bars. I will drink a protein shake in the morning or before bed if I feel I need extra protein. 7. Exercise? Regularly? How many times a week? What do you do? Can I claim the 5th on this? Actually I do have an appointment at Curves to re-register. I'm doing the Walk From Obesity this weekend too! 8. Follow up with your doctor/surgeon? Had any blood work done yet? Yep. I had my 3 month post op with both my PCP and my surgeon and had a full blood work up done. I have another set of appointments set for November. 9. Any post-op issues/complications? Follow-up surgeries or hospitalizations? NONE!!! Deanna 322/238/160
on 9/22/05 9:20 am
1. Tried carbonated beverages? How soon after surgery? Any reactions? How often? no, haven't tried one. 2. Tried sugar? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (dumping)? How often do you eat sugar? no, haven't tried it 3. Tried alcohol? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (hit you harder than when you were pre-op)? How often do you imbibe? no, haven't tried 4. Vitamins? Do you take then regularly? yes, pretty religious about taking them, but sometimes forget my calcium in the middle of the day. 5. Water? Do you get your minimum 64 oz a day? In what form? one of my downfalls. I don't get in much water at all, perhaps 20 oz. per day. I drink lots more coffee and some crystal lite. 6. Protein? How many grams a day? How many from supplements? How many from food approximately? Can't find a protein supplement I like. I do put unflavored protein powder in pudding, but probably get a total of 50 oz of protein per day in food/supplements combined. 7. Exercise? Regularly? How many times a week? What do you do? I'm more active daily than I used to be, but have been a slacker in regularly exercising. 8. Follow up with your doctor/surgeon? Had any blood work done yet? yes. blood work at 3 months. Everything was great. cholesterol which used to be high was 114! 9. Any post-op issues/complications? Follow-up surgeries or hospitalizations? Really no complications at all. I've had the foamies about 5 times when I eat too fast or don't chew thoroughly.
on 9/22/05 10:23 am - WATERBURY, CT
1. Tried carbonated beverages? How soon after surgery? Any reactions? How often? never tried it...didnt like it before surgery so no interest now 2. Tried sugar? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (dumping)? How often do you eat sugar? had the tiniest piece of my birthday cake, about the size of an M&M no lie! And dumped. I dont eat anything with more than 5 gms of sugar or 4 grms of sugar alcohols 3. Tried alcohol? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (hit you harder than when you were pre-op)? How often do you imbibe? havent tried alcohol. not a drinker 4. Vitamins? Do you take then regularly? every day! and also iron and b12 5. Water? Do you get your minimum 64 oz a day? In what form? not as good with water as I should be maybe 20-25 oz? I drink tons of milk skim or 1% or decaf tea 6. Protein? How many grams a day? How many from supplements? How many from food approximately? i was doing about 110 a day mostly from protein shakes.right now dont know honestly 7. Exercise? Regularly? How many times a week? What do you do? everyday hubby and i walk 2 miles or more. plus i have a fitness flyer exercise machine i use everyday 8. Follow up with your doctor/surgeon? Had any blood work done yet? had a 3 month post op check up everything was fine. they did not do blood work. 9. Any post-op issues/complications? Follow-up surgeries or hospitalizations? found out today I have an epigastric incisional hernia. need to call surgeon tomorrow and find out what to do next about it. I see more surgery in my future
on 9/22/05 11:24 am - Medford, MA
Revision on 10/29/12
1. Tried carbonated beverages? How soon after surgery? Any reactions? How often? Not tried yet. 2. Tried sugar? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (dumping)? How often do you eat sugar? I do not eat things that are known for sugar (i.e. candy, cake, cookies, ice cream) Have I eaten sugar... yes in dairy products and fruit but stayed away from the rest have not tried anything remotely close to it. I have had ketchup and salad dressing without a problem, won't go above 10 grams of sugar. 3. Tried alcohol? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (hit you harder than when you were pre-op)? How often do you imbibe? I have had one drink over about 2 hours span did not feel anything at all. Never was a big drinker o I probably won't have one for a long while. 4. Vitamins? Do you take then regularly? Absolutely! 5. Water? Do you get your minimum 64 oz a day? In what form? Probalby get in between 40-50 oz... my surgeon says this is fine. 6. Protein? How many grams a day? How many from supplements? How many from food approximately? Hmmm...not sure but I would have to guess 60-80 grams. I have a shake which is 30-35 every morning and eat cheese and yogurt as well as beef, chicken depending on the day. 7. Exercise? Regularly? How many times a week? What do you do? unfortunately gotta work more on this one. 8. Follow up with your doctor/surgeon? Had any blood work done yet? I have had blood work because I ended up getting a blood transfusion after surg. I am not anemic my iron was low initially (understandable since my hematocrit dropped very low following surg). I also have a high b12 level which my surgeon says may be heart protective. I had Hep C and HIV tests which were negative since I had the transfusion. 9. Any post-op issues/complications? Follow-up surgeries or hospitalizations? Had the intra op bleeding which caused me to have a second surgery within a few hours of my first one. I was vomiting huge blood clots and they found the source of the bleed and repaired it... since then no problems but I feel tired all the time an dhave been going to bed earlier and earlier and not feeling refreshed when I wake up.
April Loves David
on 9/22/05 11:31 am - South Fulton, TN
1. Tried carbonated beverages? How soon after surgery? Any reactions? How often? Nope 2. Tried sugar? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (dumping)? How often do you eat sugar? Yep 100 calorie pack cookie 3. Tried alcohol? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (hit you harder than when you were pre-op)? How often do you imbibe? Nope 4. Vitamins? Do you take then regularly? Daily Been good w/that 5. Water? Do you get your minimum 64 oz a day? In what form? Don't keep up w/how much. 6. Protein? How many grams a day? How many from supplements? How many from food approximately? Don't keep up w/how much. 7. Exercise? Regularly? How many times a week? What do you do? 2 times a week walk for over an hour. 8. Follow up with your doctor/surgeon? Had any blood work done yet? 3 month check up, protein was a little low everything else good 9. Any post-op issues/complications? Follow-up surgeries or hospitalizations? kidney infection ~April~ Lap Rny May 13, 2005 21 yrs old, 5'1 231 / 170 / 120
Becky Sue
on 9/22/05 11:55 am - Fort Wayne, IN
Okay, I'll play... 1. I've had about 1/4 of Diet Pepsi around 2 months out at a conference when nothing else was available... I was allowed at 6 weeks out. Didn't really care for it, though, and didn't try it again until yesterday. Had about 2 sip is Diet Rite and decided I didn't really want it No problems really, just doesn't do anything for me... 2. Sugar - nope. I made the mistake of trying baked beans very early out (I figured the 2oz I was eating wouldn't have too much sugar). WRONG! I think I must be very sensitive so I haven't tried anything else. In fact, the only "desert" type thing I've had is SF Murray's cookies... No ice cream, SF or otherwise, no cake, nada. 3. I've had a few drinks - never to "excess" although it doesn't take much. Probably 5 times total, 1-2 drinks over the course of a couple of hours. 4. Vitamins... Okay, I get my multi and B-12 every day. My calcium is another issue. I tell myself to take it every day but just haven't. It groseses me out. I know, poor excuse... 5. I'm proud to say these days I'm getting in a minimum of 90 oz of water a day. 6. I'm getting between 50 and 75 g a day. My nut told me to aim for 55. She said after the first 6 weeks or so, you don't need as much protien and overdoing it can create additional problems with your gallbladder. I don't supplement anymore unless I'm low at the end of the day. Then I do a Nectar or a glass of milk, depending on how much I need. I primarily eat protein (chicken, yogurt, cheese, beef) and then a little bit of fruit or veggies if there's room. 7. Sigh... I was doing so good... And then I wasn't... This is really a sore subject with me, actually, because I'm pretty dissappointed with myself. I started smoking again, which is a whole other issue, but since I have, I quit exercising... 8. I had a 1 week, 5 week and 3 month follow-up with my surgeon. She doesn't order blood wor****il a year unless there's a problem. 9. No complications or anything like that. *knock on wood* Gee, Kathy... way to cheer a girl up...
on 9/22/05 12:00 pm - Jeffersonville, IN
1. Tried carbonated beverages? How soon after surgery? Any reactions? How often? I probably first tried a sip a couple of months out, I do burp alot but as long as I take little sips and stick to diet it is kind of a treat. 2. Tried sugar? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (dumping)? How often do you eat sugar? I really don't eat alot of real sugary things. I will try a few bites of icecream then it starts to be too sweet and kinda makes me feel ill so I stop. 3. Tried alcohol? How soon after surgery? Any reaction (hit you harder than when you were pre-op)? How often do you imbibe? I tried a wine cooler a couple of months out and it just left me feeling bloated after a couple of drinks. 4. Vitamins? Do you take then regularly? I take my multi-vitamin and iron pill every day and I need to start my calcium supplement soon, I will chew those viactives. 5. Water? Do you get your minimum 64 oz a day? In what form? I absolutely do not get my 64 oz a day like I should. I really need to work on that. 6. Protein? How many grams a day? How many from supplements? How many from food approximately? I don't drink protein drinks, but I get a minimal amount of protein daily from the foods I can eat now. 7. Exercise? Regularly? How many times a week? What do you do? I walk alot, or mow grass, or paint..in other words I try and keep busy all the time. 8. Follow up with your doctor/surgeon? Had any blood work done yet? Have seen my surgeon twice since my surgery. He wants blood work done before my next appt. in December but my insurance won't cover another routine blood work. 9. Any post-op issues/complications? Follow-up surgeries or hospitalizations? Praise God, no complications as of yet. I am feeling 100% better than I did over 4 months ago. So much energy. Loss of hair...a little.
on 9/22/05 12:04 pm - Fayetteville, NC
1. I haven't tried carbonated beverages. 2. Yes, I have tried a little sugar. I drink a little orange juice in the morning. I don't eat too much sugar. 3. Nope, I haven't tried alcohol. 4. Yes I take my vitamins each day. That has grown on me! 5. I need to do better in the water department. I am probably only getting in half of the required amount. 6. I am getting in about 45-55 grams of protein per day. Some days I struggle because I am so BUSY!! 7. Yes, I get in my exercise because I am always on the go at work. I am a high school assistant principal and I walk on average 4-5 miles a day. Our campus is soooooo spread out. 8. Yes, I follow up with my doctor as scheduled. I have an appt. in October with my doctor, nutritionist, and psych. I had blood work done at 3 months and everything was great. 9. No complaints, regrets, or follow up surgeries.
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