Nuts! I dumped!
Well, I had my first dumping experience. I've noticed that if I eat fatty foods, I get really tired, but that's about it.
So, today, I had cashews at lunchtime, and I didn't stop eating them when I should have. I got sooooooo nauseated and tired and blechy feeling. I thought for sure I was going to
I literally had to stop working and lie down for like half an hour....AT WORK!
No more cashews for me. Nuts in general seem to be fine, and I know cashews aren't really nuts, so maybe that's why. A high fat, high calorie food. Phttt. No more!
I didn't feel like I was gonna have a heart attack. No palpitations. No sweats...just yucky!

Hey, Jules!
Sorry to hear that you have experienced *dumping*. Honestly, I think that those that get it have it in different ways and to different degrees. Now you have an idea how you dump... unfortunately!
I've had a problem 3 times...once with a high fiber, high protein, low carb cereal and then twice with salmon with reumolaude sauce from Outback (the initial meal and leftovers). All 3 times I felt the same. No nausea, no chills, no whole belly felt sore. It hurt. Not the worst pain ever but I felt pretty derned crappy for a couple of hours... actually until I slept it off. I never thought "Oh this is dumping" but my surgeon said he that he felt it was. I'll take his word for it. The pain wasn't in one spot it was like my whole belly felt sore and even felt sore to the touch. Very strange.
I hope you are feeling better tonight!
Hugs, Kathy
That's the way I get with regular milk - I have to drink lactose free now. If I eat more than like 1-1/2 tbsp of peanut butter I get the same. Last night I made my protein powder (Isopure Dutch Chocolate) with Cool Whip Free and it made me a little nauseous - I think even though it was low in sugar and ff, it was too sweet for me. Tasted like frosting! It was super yummy but made me somewhat nauseous.
I take those signs as kind of 'pre-dumping'. Like pouchy saying, "I dare you to take another bite of that!"

Dumping is no fun! I am pretty sure I have dumped twice now, but from suguar alcohols of all things! I had some sugar free twizzlers then went to the store with my daughter. My stomach was hurting bad and when I went to check out I had to run to the bathroom, I was sure I was going to hurl. I sat on the toilet with a garbage can in my lap. I broke out in a cold sweat and I seriously thought my insides were going to explode!. It took a while but it passed, the lady at the counter was getting ready to send someone in after me, thank god my daughter was just wandering around the store keeping herself busy. I talked to some people at a picnic last weekend and they told me that some people do have problems with sugar alcohol. Go figure, I dont eat real sugar so I wont dump and fake sugar gets me instead! I guess its the fun of the new pouch, yours doesnt like cashews mine doesnt like fake sugar!