Whazzup with me (long)

on 9/22/05 2:11 am - Oak Harbor, WA
I've gotten two e-mails from people asking me what's up and where I've been. I can't tell you how good it feels to know that you guys are concerned enough about me to find out what's going on when I'm not around for a while! Lemme just tell ya, I've been BUSY!! So leave me alone!! Well, since the official school year started, my kids have been taking a few classes through the school district. The local school district here has an incredible program for the homeschooled kids where they can take some classes taught by "parent teachers" and we receive a stipend for each child, so it's really a good program and helps us out a lot giving my children opportunities that they may not have had if we were solely teaching them at home. So, not only that, but I've started back to school, so here's my typical schedule. Monday: Homeschool the kids (easy day) Tuesday: Homeschool kids, Son - soccer (1:30), Son, Hubby, and daughter - (6:30) AWANAS in the evening (Bible club for kids at our church) - this is kinda nice cuz I get the house to myself for about 2-1/2 hours! Wednesday: School district (9:45 - 3:30), Aikido (5:15 - 6:40), Praise Team practice for me and youth group for daughter (7:00 - 9:00) Thursday: School district (8:45 - 1:30) Friday: Homeschool kids, Aikido - 5:15 - 6:40 Saturday: NOTHING!!! Sunday: Church (8:30 - 12:30), Daughter - AWANAS, and Me - Class to become a counselor (6:00 - 8:00) And in between all of this I have to do MY homework as I'm taking the class through church and also 10 credit hours of college. Soooo....that's where I've been! Now, about the WLS, everything there seems to be going okay, too. I'm eating about 1100-1300 calories/day and am down to about 252 or so (last time I weighed) and that's 88 pounds from my consult, 74 from my surgery. My food intake consists of mostly protein, I drink 1 to 2 protein drinks/day and the carbs that I eat is either whole grains, small amounts of pasta, brown rice, rye crackers, etc. I've been trying to work in more vegetables and fruits as I wasn't eating ANY for quite a while. Like yesterday morning I had a small banana and 2 tbsp. of natural pb. I've also been eating some no sugar added apple sauce, I had some dried fruit the other day. I've also been eating some salad LOADED with all kinds of vegetables (peppers, red cabbage, cuckes, carrots, etc.), dark leafy greens (spinach, mustard greens, collards), steamed broccoli, etc. I'm seeing my trainer on Monday and we're going to do measurements and stuff again to see where I am and do another health assessment (we did one pre-op so it will be very interesting to see where I am now in comparison to where I was then). I honestly feel that even though I've got about 70 more pounds to lose or so, I am healthier now than I've ever been in my life. I workout almost daily, I'm eating very healthy, and I just feel fantastic. There've been some unexpected side effects of this surgery. I mean completely unexpected! My husband has become a work-out psycho now, too! He's checking out protein levels in everything, trying to get in more protein, working out at the gym with me daily, it's great! My husband has always been larger (muscular, not fat), he's 5'11" and weighs about 210 and it's all muscle in his chest and shoulders, but this was genetic. He's never really worked out - so it's interesting to see him so concerned and really working out and eating healthier. Another side effect is both he (hubby) and my daughter have lost weight since my surgery. I'm cooking much healthier and since we've been more active, it's taken it's toll on them as well. My daughter was one of my motivating forces for getting this surgery, she is also overweight (not morbidly obese, but overweight) and I saw her following in my footsteps big time. She's about 4'8" and weighs about 140, I know that she at one point was pretty close to 150 so that's good. I think, at this point, that's really all that's going on with me! I can't think of anything else at this point! I read the posts quite frequently here, but sometimes I just don't have the time or mental capacity to write anything. Michelle 340/326/252/175
on 9/22/05 2:52 am - Jeffersonville, IN
Hey Michelle!!! okay, I just had the best workout...reading ur post!!! lol...all kidding aside it sounds like you have a very very busy life, ain't it great!!!I loved catching up on all your comings and goings, makes my life seem kinda calm! Congrats on how great you are doing and feeling and keep it up girlfriend!!
on 9/22/05 4:56 am
Michelle, You are a very busy woman! It's so good to hear about what's going on and learn about all of your success. Keep up the good work and your pictures on your profile are amazing! ~Wanda
Kate Z
on 9/23/05 2:42 am - MA
Michelle, Your post reminds me of a funny story. I've always worked outside the home. My husband and I made the decision to be a "split-shift" family so we'd be able to be able to influence our children with our values. I have two close friends that are/were stay at home Mom's. One is very content and considers herself to be a "domestic goddess". The other got divorced a few years back and went to work when her youngest went to school. 2 months after she started working, I met her for lunch. The first thing she did when she got close enough wa*****h me in the Arm. After my inital "OW"... I asked "What was that for"?... She replied "I've always felt bad that you had to go out and work." "Now, I know why you always smiled when I mentioned it, going out to work is less work than staying home....!!!" The outline of your busy week enphasizes that point. Kudoz to all the Mom's and most of the Dad's out there. It's the toughest and most rewarding job there is.... Kate Z
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