Checking In...Just saying Hi!
Hi May Babies
Just wanted to do a check in to see how everyone is doing!
All is going well for me, I just started water aerobics which I absolutely LOVE!I went to pilates today and my core (abs) are sore!
Shout out a hello and we can see how many people are still here on our Most Awesome May Losers Message Board!
hi there Jen! I am here still not as often but when I can be! I had surgery on May 6th and am down 86 pounds so far in 4 months. I am currently on a 3 week plateau which I am not thrilled about and losing my hair like crazy! But other than that I feel great! How are all the rest of ya may babies doin???
Hey NJ,
I'm here and doing fine!
I went to my PCP yesterday and she was thrilled to see me looking so good. Made me feel good, of course. She ran some blood work which I'll get a copy of and will share with my surgeon when I have my appointment next week (4 month check-up). Hopefully all is well except for what I already know isn't normal (calcium and parathyroid - they were off before surgery).
Talked to my doc about pain in my side and she told me to keep a good eye on it. It is most likely gallbladder. Ick! I had a few days with some pain (not bad pain...just enough pain to let you know it was there if you know what I mean) and then nothing for a few days and today... it's back this evening. Had hazelnut encrusted tilapia (a fav!) with tartare sauce and green beans w/ butter. Must be the fat, eh? LOL!
Will discuss the possible gallbladder issue with the surgeon next week. Not sure it is bad enough to warrant an ultrasound yet but I'll leave that to him.
That's all from here!
Hi Jen, et al,
I'm still hanging in there. I've lost 77 lbs now and have finally got a solid exercise routine happening for about the last 6 weeks. I walk for 50 minutes 4 days a week, 3 days a week I do strength training and 1 day a week, water aerobics. It is helping me feel very good. It hasn't sped up the weight loss, so I'm trying not to focus on that, just how good I feel.
Hooray for May babies!!
I'm still here. Not as much either. Feeling much better---energy level.
I too have just started an exercise schedule. Aerobics 1 night, cycling class 2 nights, strength 1 night...
I'm already seeing results from going.
Guess what....tonight I cooked and I didn't even burn anything(HAHA).
Hey Jen,
I'm still loss of 70 pounds, and my energy has picked up as welll, it was really low at about 3 months. Still can't get that exercise routine thing down, but I'm working on it...I think that maybe, just MAYBE food is no longer my end all be all! School is kicking my but, but hey, it will be well worth it right? Thanks for checkin in darling. See ya

Rejoicing 2B free
on 9/13/05 3:10 pm - southern states
on 9/13/05 3:10 pm - southern states
Hi Jen, Feeling great and enjoying the energy. Lost 58 lbs. and love the water aerobics 3x a wk and Curves 3x or more a wk. Always feel so good when I get the exercise in. Hair is getting thin and suppose it's par for the course for alot of us. Glad you are doing well and checking in with us all. M.