Good Flights
I just got back from vacation, a week in North Carolina. The flights were all good - especially because I only used MY seat - no overflow into anybody else's seat. I fit very comfortably in my own seat and the seatbelt buckled with no extra pulling/stretching/extenders. As a matter of fact, I could actually pull the end and tighten it, just like the instructions always say. Nice feeling.
We took a few boat rides, and this time, I did not worry about where I should sit to make sure weight was evenly distributed evenly so we wouldn't take on water. Something I used to worry about.
It was easy enough to find good things to eat while on vaca. Although I must admit I didn't always make the best choices - I never went overboard. I used to have this "because I am on vacation" mentality - which meant vacation from dieting too.
I weighed myself when I got home. 228lbs - a 2lb loss for the week.
Not a 10lb gain like the old me would have had to deal with.
I like the new me.
Carol, I am so excited for you. In November I will also be flying with my little boy to North Carolina to spend Thanksgiving with my sister. I am looking so forward to seeing her, I haven't seen her since my surgery in May. She had the same surgery 3 years ago. So congrats on your great vacation experiences!!