National Bank of Kate
NOTICE: The National Bank of Kate is now closed.
Let me explain. For as long as I can remember, I have always stuck folded cash in the top of my bra cup. I hardly every wear pants with pockets, I knew where it was, and it stayed put....
This weekend, I was standing in my kitchen having coffee with the hubby. My son came back from running to the store and handed me a few dollars change. I stuck it in it's usually snug location and ..... to my suprise it slipped right thru, down and out onto the floor. My DH almost snorted coffee out his nose at the look on my face. He said that we sould send out notices that "due to recent losses, the National Bank of Kate is closed for business". (funny man)...
I guess I should put this down as a Wow moment. Definately gave me a good feeling. Guess I'm going to have to unstitch those suit pockets....
Kate Z