I give up :(

on 9/11/05 1:17 pm - Ozone Park, NY
I just give up, I should have never had surgery, I think mentally I just wasnt able to do this, I can not handle this mentally especially when I can still eat whatever I want with no dumping no getting sick atall!!!! I am just about to the point to say forget it, I am gonna be fat and I cant seem to get my urges and cravings under control I mean I can eat whatever I want and I have an on the go always out lifestyle so I eat out alot and its so hard when your on the go and looking to grab something to eat, so if the surgery dont make me sick to eat this stuff I have been eating it cause there is no consequence for eating it so the surgery is not helping me to learn to stay away from certain things I mean i can eat a burger from burger king, I can eat chips, I can eat bread I can eat ANYTHING!!!!! :sad: I am just coming to terms with the fact that I will be fat forever and this surgery is not working for me. I am not losing weight anymore and I am fed up.......... thanks for letting me vent Michelle
on 9/11/05 11:09 pm - Jeffersonville, IN
Michelle, after reading your post and carefully seeing everything you wrote, I was thinking what if this was me? Well, I can tell you exactly what I would do. I would go to my surgeon and let him know all of this. Then I would demand an explanation of your ability to intake so much food. And if he does not satisfy your questions, I would have him schedule an ultrasound to see just how big he made your pouch. My surgeon made a 1 ounce pouch and I am able to eat between 2 and 3 ounces now and that is about normal. But to be able to eat as much as you say you are, I would definetely find out just how big my pouch was. I totally agree with you, this surgery is a tool to help us, but if your tool is not even doing its job, then something is not right. I would never give up because you have already come this far. It is the surgeons responsibity to assure you that this operation was a success. Hope this helps.
future former fat chick
on 9/11/05 11:26 pm - Baltimore, MD
Michelle, I know you've heard this before and you're probably tired of hearing it, but here goes.... The surgery is just a tool. In conjunction with the surgery, we have to make good food choices and make sure we are getting adequate protein, water and exercise. Are you getting 60 grams of protein, 64 oz of water and are you working out? If not, that may be why your weightloss is a bit slow. If you do these things, the weight will come off - maybe not as fast as you'd like, but it WILL come off. I know it's hard to be on the go all the time and still make good food choices, but it is something you somply HAVE to do. For example, rather that have a burger from burger king, get the grilled chicken and toss out of bun. You have to work with your tool because it can't do everything on its own. You can do it!!!!! Hugs, Tracy
on 9/11/05 11:32 pm - Jeffersonville, IN
I agree, the surgery is a tool. But even your tool has to be in proper working order. I would just question the "ability" to intake more food then you should and still not getting sick. I can't imagine eating a burger from BK and not tossing it right away? I guess that is all I am saying. I do not believe that one can stretch their pouch out "that" much in such a short time? Is that possible? But I agree with the "chick" on this, you have to make better choices and exercise, thats a given. I still would check in with my surgeon and definetely tell him this stuff. I believe if we could control everything ourselves after this surgery, then we wouldn't have needed it in the first place. OH well, my two cents.
on 9/12/05 2:28 am - VA
Michelle!! Whatever you do...dont give up!! First go talk to your surgeon..tell him what you told us... Are you going to a support group?? (I'm not one to talk here because I'm Not, but I think maybe in this situation it could help) Other than being able to eat anything are you getting in everything you need? Water? Protien?? I've noticed I'm able to eat some things that I shouldn't...yet more often than not I cant eat things that I should be able to...I'm still having a terrible time finding foods that my stomach likes...so basically I eat what I can and concentrate on getting in what I need. Are you getting exercise?? my weight loss has slowed a bit but I joined a gym through work and have started going...I feel better, and I'm sure it'll help me. Not trying to point fingers at all just trying to point out some things to try or think about....but you should never give up expecially after what you've gone through...keep your chin up and think about your food choices...an occasional burger wont hurt you I'm sure...I too can eat bread...and sugar with no consequences..so I allow myself a bag of Peanut M&M's occasionally...(heck it's protien too) BUT I also remember what I put myself through and that's enough to keep it occasionally..I dont want to go through what I did just to end up messing it up....Take things one day at a time...take some deep breaths and if ya need to talk feel free to email me.
on 9/12/05 2:28 am - Oak Harbor, WA
I know when I'm going to be out and on the run, I keep a protein bar and/or string cheese in my purse and a HUGE insulated glass of water with tons of ice in it. Fast food was like heroin for me pre-op. Now, having had this surgery, I just cannot go there because it would be setting me up for failure. I just can't do it. I don't want to know if I could tolerate it or not. I haven't dumped on anything yet either, but I've not tried things that I shouldn't eat either (except maybe chips). As the others have said, this is a tool. Yes, you may be able to eat all of these things, but SHOULD you? This isn't a cure all. It is something to help you eat smaller amounts. Now the choices that you make within those smaller amounts is up to you. If you choose the burgers, fries, etc. then yes, you will most likely remain fat. But, if you chose a veggie burger from BK and eat it without the bun, or the grilled chicken without the bun, or get whole grain or whole wheat bread instead of white bread, and eat maybe baked chips instead of the fried ones, them yes...you will likely lose weight. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but the choice as to what you do with your new tool is completely up to you. Michelle
on 9/12/05 4:18 am - Medford, MA
Revision on 10/29/12
Please don't give up.... you can do this!!!! I think that too many people go into this surgery thinking that they can now eat whatever they want to. Maybe a precious few can but most cannot. It is up to you to pick healthy foods. I have killer cravings too and I indulge at times but only a few bites. Then stop!!! Drink fluids first and wait a half hour to decide if you are still hungry, if they don't work think twice if you really want that empty calorie snack because thin tastes better than and snack does. It is unfortunate that this surgery doesn't promote food intollerances in all of us, those people are the ones who need to work extra hard. Your tool is there...you cant possibly eat as much as before...now make healthy choices and you will get there! Keep your head up, hun! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
on 9/12/05 7:24 am - greensboro, NC
Michelle I looked at your profile and you have lost 45 lbs!!!! That is 180 sticks of butter!!! I won't quite call your surgery a failure at this point. Just get back to the basics. Try one meal a day to have just your protein. Maybe a RTD shake with 35 g/protein like they have at GNC. Protein is the problem. If you don't get enough your body thinks it is starving and stops the weight loss like all the millions of fad diets we have all been on. If you continue to make bad food choices..ie fast food and chips, you will end up severly malnourished and sick. Looks like you have a very beautiful baby to take care of so you should have the incentive to succeed. This is not so easy, everyone thinks you just have surgery and get skinny, but it is work. Good Luck, you can do it! One Day at a Time!! Jen
on 9/12/05 7:51 am - American Canyon, CA
Hi Michelle, It looks like everyone has given you the best advice. Work your tool...it will work for you. It is a big mental thing also...to bad your doctor did not prepare you for this. I went through Kaiser and they preach to you consitantly that it is not a magic potion and you have to work HARD to reach your goal. I will say...go back and read your profile and read how excited you where only a few weeks ago about losing 45 pounds. Get that excitment back. Hang in there and just remember...make healthy choices. Hang in there! B Jay
on 9/12/05 8:05 am - Milford, MI
Michelle, I can eat bread, chips and "normal" food, I havent really tried anything sugary but let me ask you how much can you eat? Think back to what you use to consume, I know I cant even eat an entire meal when I go out to eat, its actually kind of frustrating but thats what I had the surgery for. You are suppose to go back to a normal way of eating just not a overeating way of eating. Keep that in mind. If you can eat anything and its large quantitys then I agree you should talk to your surgeon because thats not normal but if you are still eating smaller quantities just work on making better choices and feel free to vent whenever you need words of encouragement! Good luck! Cary
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