Intense stress can really hurt!

on 9/10/05 11:23 am - Lititz, PA
You know that pain you get when you've either eaten something wrong, or eaten too fast? You start having to spit that white foam and/or feeling like you might throw up? Well, intense stress can bring this on! I went in this morning to find my 5-year-old boy in a near-catatonic state, having a mild seizure. He's never had this problem before and I was SCARED TO DEATH. I had just finished eating my breakfast, wherein I had lo-fat sausage, which I've had before with no problem. I call 911 and we get him ambulance'd to the hospital. By the time I get there, my gut feels like its going to explode and I spend the next 2 hours trying to deal with the situation and trying to deal with having to spit every 10 seconds and feeling like I was going to throw up any second, with lots and lots of pain! AWFUL! The attack was totally brought on, I'm convinced, by the stress of the situation I was in. (By the way, while he's being kept overnight for observation, my boy is okay now and will be fine going forward. It appears the worst case is that he might be epileptic, but we don't even know that yet.)
on 9/10/05 11:39 am - somerville, NJ
Tom, 1st of all, thanks goodness your son is going to be OK! What emotions you must have experienced this am. What an interesting point...I'm curious did you ever throw up. I have experienced what you describe and its almost always all better after I Once again, happy everything is OK Aliya
on 9/10/05 11:43 am
Tom, Bless your heart! I cannot imagine how scarey that must have been. I'm glad to know your son is okay and that he's being observed tonight. I know that our bodies do unusual things under stress, and no doubt that's what happened to you this morning. I hope you're feeling better too. I hate that foaming feeling. I've had that happen about 5-6 times, and it's so unpleasant. I hope you and your son continue to feel better. Keep us posted on his progress. If he's five, is he in kindergarten? I know you want to make sure he's all better before he goes back to school. Take care of yourselves! ~Wanda
Kathy & Rich
on 9/10/05 12:16 pm - Fairfax, VA
Wow, Tom, what a huge scare. I'm glad that your son is in good hands and being taken care of and is doing well now. I'm sorry that you had to deal with the foamies and such when so much else was going on. Stress definitely effects so very many things. You take good care and give your boy a big hug from all of us! Kathy
on 9/10/05 1:18 pm - Jeffersonville, IN
Oh, sorry Tom. Having a 3 year old son who was diagnosed last year with Juvenile Diabetes I can understand your scare. I also know too well about the foamies, and I sympathize with you. Hope all goes well. I will pray for you and your little one.
on 9/10/05 1:53 pm - Lititz, PA
Thanks everybody. No, I never did throw up. I tried and tried in a bathroom though. I wanted relief and I wanted it right away, but I could not throw up. 2 hours of that pain was about all I could take and then in the span of about 2 minutes, I felt completely fine again. Things had started to calm down with my son at that point too, so I'm sure that had something to do with it. He started Kindergarten last week (8/31). Then he fractured his heel by jumping off the swing causing him to miss the two days of school this past week. Now, he's probably out at least Monday. His school experience so far has been snake-bitten, poor guy! He's been looking forward to it for months and months and loved it the first two days.
on 9/10/05 2:17 pm - Oak Harbor, WA
Oh, Tom! How scary for you! I'm so glad he's okay. I will be praying for him (and you!!) and that everything turns out alright. Stress can do a number on us, that's for sure. Michelle
Kats Krazy
on 9/10/05 8:05 pm - Palm Coast, FL
Tom, First big (((HUGS))) to both you and your son. I have done the seziures with my son and it is one of the most scary things I have ever had to live through. Stress does do a number on your pouch. Mine won't let me eat at all if I am stressed out. For a while I had to eat in my bedroom away from everyone else because just the stress of 3 kids at the dinner table was more than Oscar(my grouchy pouch) could take. Please keep us updated on your son. I will keep both him and you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Kat
Becky Sue
on 9/10/05 11:21 pm - Fort Wayne, IN
Wow, Tom, that's terrifying! I can't even imagine how scary that would be! I'm glad he's doing better though and will pray it was just an anomaly. When I was 7-8, I had two similar episodes and once, I was standing in the kitchen and just keeled over right in front of my mom and had similar symptons as your son. After TONS of tests and exams, they never did find anything. Hopefully, that's what happens in your son's case. I think the body has certain reaction (adrenaline, etc.) that go with our 'fight or flight' instincts. You old stomach would have been roiling and spitting acid in a situation like this but your pouch doesn't have that ability. Your right, it was probably your body's physical reaction to intense fear - it just works a little differently now. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts!
on 9/11/05 1:41 am - covington, GA
Tom, Im so sorry you had to experience that and right after breakfast. My husband is epileptic and takes medicine daily for it. Hes only had one seizure in 1992 (which I didnt even know him then) but every year when the doctor does the test to see if he can be taken off the medication, theres still too much active seizure activity in his brain. The doctor says the medicine is the only thing keeping them from coming out. I have never seen someone have a seizure so I fear if he ever has another one that Ill literally freak out. Poor thing on top of that you had the foamies. I have had them twice and its the most awful feeling. May god lay his hand upon you and your family. Best of luck to your son. Candy
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