Okay, that title probably got all of your attention!!! Anyway, I was just wondering (if you don't mind me asking)...has your sex life changed at all since most of you (including me) have lost 50+ pounds. Just curious. Is it better, same..worse?? I will say that I find myself able to be a little more flexible (tee hee), but sometimes it seems I have a little trouble getting in the mood...(of course, I do have a very energetic 3 year old) that zaps all my energy!! You don't have to go into detail (although that would be okay too!!!). Thanks ya'll.
Over the last 2 years or so, my libido appeared to have run away without leaving a forwarding address...
Since surgery, it's been better, and it's more frequent, but like you, sometimes my energy level just isn't there. My DH and I have committed to making it more frequent, even if we have to "work at it" for the short term.

I, like you, have been able to do a few more things, but I have noticed that since we're able to get a bit 'closer' (for lack of a better word) sometimes it hurts. Okay, I'll just be blunt and put it out there - sometimes he is able to go a little TOO deep and it is painful so we've been working on different ways that I can move or arch myself or whatever to make it not painful.
I, like you and Becky, had virtually no sex drive pre-op. This has a lot to do with my weight and some abuse issues when I was younger. While the drive has improved somewhat post-op, it's still not where I (or hubby) would like it to be. Pre-op we'd be lucky to have 'relations'
once every 4-6 weeks. Now it's more like 2-3 times a month. Still not a lot, but more than before!
Wow - talk about TMI!

OMG!!! Been lurking for a while, but I HAD to comment here. I thought it was just me!!!
DH and I both had the surgery (three days apart), so as we shrink, we're able to get alot closer. And I have definitely felt the discomfort of getting "too close"!
No advice... just had to let you know I feel your pain!
Tiffany S.

Hubby and I were just talking about that last night! Honestly, nothing has changed we decided. We have it as much as we had it pre-op which was and is frequent enough for the both of us. My size before didn't have much effect on getting in the mood. So 60+ pounds less, he says it's just as good but maybe a little better (he says this because according to him, "I feel like I'm cheating on you, with YOU!" lol He's a hoot.
Great question!
Pre-op sex was a foreign language around here. At least to me, now to hubby, a different opinion. I have always wished I could possess the drive he has man oh man! Luckily he is very patient with me and has always said he wanted me to want to if we did. Post-op I just knew things would change in my direction but unfortunately I cant say that. Im still about the same and am a little dissapointed. I was on birth control for years and I think it started then and ofcourse my weight had a lot to do with it. The only time when I remember me being "a horny little devil" was when I was pregnant and I dont cheri**** enough to go that route again believe me. (not at this moment in time anyways)
Mine has definatly changed for the better. It is one of the biggest wow moments for me (and hubby). The only issue that I have is that with being so sick since the surgery, hubby treats me like I am made of glass. He is afraid of breaking me I think. Getting in the mood is not an issue with us never has been. Finding time between 3 special needs kids is.
Great topic.
Hey Lisa,
My sex life has definately changed for the better!!!!!! Up until a couple of months ago me and my husband slept in separate rooms because of my terrible snoring (sleep apnea). Also before surgery I was on blood pressure medicine and that pretty much kills the desire for sex. Well I no longer am on blood pressure and I do not have sleep apnea plus my husband is so excited about me losing 65 pounds that he can't keep his hands off of me and I love it.
And for the icing on the cake, I attended an "Intimate Issues" conference at my church this past weekend and it was amazing! If you ever get the chance to go to one, do it. You can buy the book at a Christian bookstore. Linda Dillows and Lorraine Pintos wrote it. I have been married 15 years last week and we are more in love today than ever!
God is good!