Good morning beautiful ladies and handsome men!
Well, Becky, you sound in fine spirits this morning!
I guess that UTI/kidney infection is doing much better, eh? I'm glad!
I'm sure having a quiet house is really nice. I like early mornings myself. Hubby really wakes up before me often. I get late afternoons and early evenings to myself every week day since hubby works from 1 to 9. I work 7 to 4. It is nice that we each have our *own* time.
We've already walked over to the shopping center, got the paper and went out for breakfast (split an omelette). Now to go off to Home Depot or Lowes for some household stuff.
Have a great day!
I have a day to myself tomorrow. Hubby is going to the Redskin game (vs the Chicago Bears). One of his coworkers has seasons tickets and his wife has to work Sunday so Rich gets to go.
I am feeling much better. I think the combo of the cranberry juice and the antibiotics are starting to kick in. Slept through the night last night (woohoo!)
I have the house to myself tomorrow, too. Aaron's going to a motorcycle swap meet in Indy at 7:30am with some friends and will be gone all day. Holden's at his dad's. Livvie and I are participating in the AIDS Walk tomorrow. Hopefully, the weather will be nice.
Well, off to clean house. I don't understand how 2 grownups, 2 100-lb dogs, a cat and 2 kids can make such a mess out of a 1200 sq ft house...