Anyone sick of talking about it?

on 9/7/05 2:15 pm - somerville, NJ
I am...Ever since I told a certain colleague that I had WLS, word has spread like wildfire.I don't really care that people know I had surgery...because I did, but now I am like the unofficial sponsor of my company...I'm honored that I inspire...but I go to work to make that dough... I mean, I have strangers peeking their head in my office only to talk about surgery. Granted, most of those interested are WLS candidates, but there is a time and a place to discuss these things...ya know? Ask for my phone number or my e-mail...shoot just ask me if I mind! Just because I had surgery, does not mean that I am your private mentor...I mean we're talking absolute strangers. The inconsideration is amazing. Maybe I should be flattered, and I am to a certain extent...but damn enough is enough. Guess this is exactly why people keep their mouths shut. I hate to sound like a B...but this is my job, not a support group. Thanks for letting me vent Aliya
Kats Krazy
on 9/7/05 3:25 pm - Palm Coast, FL
Aliya, I feel your pain. There are people that have walked up to me and said youv'e had WLS. Tell me what it is like. This is in the middle of the library, or school, or the store. Then there are the number feinds that have to know every moment how much you have lost. I don't weigh except when I go to the doc so I can't tell them. They look at me like I am insane. Oh well.. Keep venting and your chin up. You are looking Mavelous darling. Kat
on 9/7/05 10:19 pm - Jeffersonville, IN
I can relate so much! I get really tired of ...""""ooooooooohhh you are getting so skinny!""""....and "how much now???"...and how is the surgery going for you???? Are you still glad you had it?????(oh brother). I know most people mean well, but I have never been real comfortable with too much attention anyway, sometimes I just wanta crawl in a hole! Now my husband is another story.....I Luuuuvvvvvv when he notices any changes!!!
Sue N
on 9/7/05 11:48 pm - IL
We go camping at one campground for all the major holidays, so everyone kinda knows each other. This weekend I had more people coming up to me with the same questions; how much have you lost? how do you feel? what can you eat? is it true you throw up all the time? etc............. After awhile I felt like a broken record....................
Rejoicing 2B free
on 9/8/05 12:53 am - southern states
Hi Aliya, I never told many people prior to surgery about the wls, just my hubby and kids and a couple of special friends. I have alot of friends into vitamins and herbal/natural remedies etc. and really didn't want to debate my decision or even have to defend my position. I had so many comorbidites and was in a lot of pain and not well and it takes alot of energy to discuss such a personal decision. ( and of course everybody has an opinion of what we SHOULD do) Ugh. I do enjoy when people notice the weight coming off. I do often feel shy and wish I could be invisible when people keep going on and on about how good I look now. In many ways tho ...while morbidly obese I was pretty INVISIBLE, at least was treated that way often. So the sudden change is another transition which draws alot of interest, even from strangers ( as we become visible. ) I guess if I had people dropping by at work alot and peeking in and asking questions it would feel pretty invasive and I would feel right 'OUT there' with my very personal business. It brings to mind how a friend of mine and I helped facilitate a 12 step support group for many years and the twelth step was "to carry the message to those who still suffer". We used to talk alot together and came to see in many ways that { we ARE the message }. Meaning as we simply live and become more free that freedom seems to call forth from us to others who are still stuck and bound up and thru us they see and hear the whisper of HOPE. I guess as we lose weight and become more free from the humiliation and ill effects of our morbid obesity, others who are still 'there' can't help but to be drawn to us and the glimmer of hope our success represents. ( maybe they too could actuall get free) I don't know the answer for how to handle the strangers at work etc. asking questions ...maybe typing up a little brief summary of wls and facts and questions ( faq ) and any information that would be helpful. Not personal journal type things... maybe just general info and have that on hand to share with them, with links online for them to research like OH etc. and maybe titles of books that OH reccommends. My thought is that giving them printed info may be a way of setting a BOUNDARY while still offering them info and hope...just keeping it less personal and less invasive. Then you could exchange phone #'s ONLY with the ones you really want to talk to about it privately. * A couple of days after my surgery I had to go for a doppler scan on my legs because of leg pain to check for clots. The tech was a very chatty fun kind of guy and when he asked what kind of surgery I had , said when I answered RNY gastric bypass, " Oh, you had one of those 'California tummy tucks'. " He was from Southern California and said that's what they call it out there. I had to chuckle. So a few times when strangers asked me and I didn't really want to go into my personal details I said " Oh, I had a California tummy tuck". They looked slightly baffled but nodded their heads ( like they knew what I meant) and I went on my way. I hope you don't mind me sharing some thoughts on the subject. I think alot of us are working on the same issue too. Talking about it helps us all process it. By the way you look fabulous! Congratulations on your weight loss and you do simply GLOW ! Blessings, M.
on 9/8/05 7:59 am - somerville, NJ
M, thanks for much for your thoughts! I love the idea of a FAQ sheet...kind of like can't talk now, but here are some details...I dunno, we'll see! thanks again Aliya
Becky Sue
on 9/8/05 5:08 am - Fort Wayne, IN
I'm not so much sick of talking about it, but I am sick of hearing the dumb questions... "Aren't you afraid of dying in 5 years now that you've had surgery?" "Won't you be tired of eating baby food/blended food for the rest of your life." "How many shots do you have to get a day?" "When will you have to start wearing a wig?" "Are you allowed to eat that?" (Note: I always answer with "I'm ALLOWED to eat anything I want. I CHOOSE to eat certain things...") "Won't you miss cake/candy/icecream/sugar/french fries/pizza, etc.?" My frustration is, I wanna educate these nutjobs, but sometimes, I just wanna smack 'em and say "Here's your sign..."
Julie Froggerfly
on 9/8/05 5:38 am - Tucson, AZ
I just spit out my protein shake! "Here's your sign!" I love that routine!
Becky Sue
on 9/8/05 5:59 am - Fort Wayne, IN
Bad, Julie! Bad! I know the protein shakes suck, but ya gotta get your protein in some how!
Julie Froggerfly
on 9/8/05 5:36 am - Tucson, AZ
Yeah, I've had at least two people at work walk into my office, plop down, and fire away with personal questions because they're considering surgery. I've had a clinician ask me to talk to one of her patients who had a lot of questions about WLS. I haven't minded too much, because I really believe in the results and because I want to be sure they know the pros and cons and where to find more info. However, EVERYONE asks me CONSTANTLY how much weight I've lost. That's very personal to me, and I always want to say, "how much do YOU weigh?" I usually just sort mumble the answer and change the subject really fast. I have one very dear friend who has been my "fat buddy" for years. I've always been larger than her, and now I'm the same size (or at least I wear the same size). She keeps asking me if I'm down below that size yet, like she's dreads the day when she becomes the larger of the two of us. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she can handle it when it becomes a reality. Julie
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