Has anyone dumped yet?

Julie Froggerfly
on 9/7/05 9:16 am - Tucson, AZ
I haven't dumped at all yet, and I'm wondering if anyone else has? I don't eat anything that I shouldn't, but sometimes I eat things that are questionable (like things at potlucks that I don't know the ingredients of). I definitely don't intend to dump, but I am so afraid that maybe I won't dump when I should. I think that's scarier than the dumping itself. I'm curious...have you dumped? Julie
on 9/7/05 9:57 am - greensboro, NC
I haven't dumped and like you I am very careful about what I eat. I have , and with that I got the sweaty nausous feeling, similar to how dumping is described. Jen
Kathy & Rich
on 9/7/05 10:02 am - Fairfax, VA
According to my doctor, I have. It wasn't what I expected though. My belly got sore and I felt crappy. That's all. I felt like my intestines were all irritated. I didn't throw up. I didn't have diarrhea. I just hurt. This is the infamous Outback steakhouse salmon incidents (part I and leftover part II) and prior to that it was a high protein low carb cereal that I took a taste of. I had my first hurl last Friday. One I hope not to repeat. Kathy
Becky Sue
on 9/7/05 10:06 am - Fort Wayne, IN
I've had a couple of minor experiences that lead me to believe I'm fairly sensitive to sugar. No idea if I have a problem with carbs or high fats, cuz I haven't gone there. My two experiences: A couple of weeks out, I tried 2 oz of Bush's Baked Beans. I know, lots of sugar, but from the lable, considering the portion, I *thought* I'd be okay. Within 10 minutes, I knew something wasn't right. I can't quite explain it, except that I was "out of sorts", felt kinda spacey... In about a 1/2 hour, my pouch started to revolt and I wound up running to the bathroom. The beans had run right through me. The other time (actually, I did this twice before I realized what it was) was mixing protein powder, milk, and either lo-sugar CIB or lo-sugar Peanut Butter together for a protein smoothie. I wound up, both times, with the same spacey, sleepy feeling, mild stomach cramps, sweatiness and over all "UNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh" feeling. The only thing that cured it was sleeping it off. In the second case, I'm sure it wasn't lactose intolerance because I drink plain milk all the time and I eat cheese like a fiend. The only thing I can figure were the milk sugars combined with the very small amount of sugars in the other ingredients caused me to dump. I haven't noticed any problems with natural sugars, though, like found in fruit juice. Anyway, I'm convinced that they were dumping episodes and so I keep everything I consume under 7g of sugar and don't eat anything with sugar as one of the first three ingredients.
Julie Froggerfly
on 9/7/05 11:18 am - Tucson, AZ
I try to watch how far down the sugar and "oses" (glucose, fructose, etc) are in the ingredients too, and I don't eat anything with more than 7g of sugar either. Glad to know I'm on the right track there. I've had several instances of vomiting, but I think it's mainly from eating too fast. I also felt a little icky earlier when I ate some shrimp sauteed in a bit of margerine. Blech. Not bad though. I think my body was just warning me to stay away from fat.
Andrea B.
on 9/7/05 12:39 pm - Slayton, MN
Oh yes I've dumped! I havent counted the times, but its probably been around 10. For me there are major dumps and minor dumps. I've only had one major dump at a 4th of July potluck, I was stupid and wanted to eat a dessert like I have done in years past there. I had a caramel cookie type bar and have regretted it ever since. I felt like Becky Sue described and all I could do was go to sleep. My minor dumps happen when I eat too fast or too much. During these I just feel tired. I've also noticed that when I'm eating fruit or something that does not have a label, I get a burpy feeling when I'm getting close to the 10-15g sugar limit and if I stop eating I wont dump.
Kats Krazy
on 9/7/05 3:17 pm - Palm Coast, FL
I havent dumped officially yet, but I thow up on a daily basis. Nothing gives me that tired feeling that they say comes from dumping. I will admit I have pushed the boundaries but still nothing. The doc is telling me now that if I want it to try it. Luckily I have 2 food hounds (hubby & son) that eat anything I don't finish. If neither of them are around the cat gets it.
on 9/7/05 11:37 pm - Lititz, PA
I don't dump. I've had some sugar in the last several weeks, and other than an "interesting" feeling in my stomach (not pain, not discomfort, just weird for a few minutes), I've been fine. Not that I intend to start eating sugary stuff, but it is nice to know that I can have a couple of bites of a sweet every once in a while. I've tried 3 or 4 bites each of pound cake, coffee cake, and about 3 finger swipes of the middle of a whoopie pie. None caused me any problem. While I was scared of dumping, and scared of finding out I don't dump, I'm now grateful that in one more way, I've been healed. I know now how to eat sugary type stuff in extreme moderation. I'm glad I don't dump on it. But for those that do, its probably just as big a gift as it keeps you away from it altogether.
Julie Froggerfly
on 9/8/05 5:20 am - Tucson, AZ
That's very true, Tom. Question...what is a "whoopie" pie? Julie
on 9/8/05 6:33 am - Lititz, PA
Only one of the best desserts ever invented! Its similar to an Oatmeal Creme Pie (Little Debbie) in configuration, but the cake part is much thicker and is just plain chocolate devil's food cake, and the inside creme is butter-cream vanilla icing. THEY ARE AMAZING!!! But I don't dare eat a full bite. Just a couple of swishes of the inside icing is plenty for me. How they got the name is beyond me, but I doubt it has anything to do with "whoopie" the way most folks think of that word!
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