4 month Check-In: How Much Gone??
I was just checking in to see how all of you Mayster's are doing and decided to post my info. I need to update my profle & picture.
Here's my stats:
Pre-op: 380 lbs BMI = 71
Currently 270 lbs BMI =49
I've lost 110 lbs and my personal goal is 180 = will be 200 lbs gone for good!
Hair loss: Yep it's happened to me too. I had thin hair to begin with, now much thinner and I am getting 65-70 gram protein and taking 3000 mcg of Biotin. I tried the Nioxin but my hair stylist told me that you have to stay on it and use it daily. That's way too expensive for me. My surgeon's nurse suggested to use Pro-V shampoo and conditioner. So I do that now. My scalp recently started itching so I think I am getting new growth. I don't have dandruff so it's got to be new hair. Can't see it yet though.
Congrats to all of you LOSERS! Let's keep it up.