Gas Prices
I'm with you on this one, Kate. I've been so frustrated by the oil companies. Every time something happens, they feel they have the right to raise prices, whether it affects them or not. It's also amusing to me that they raise the prices mid week last week, right before the holiday and then when the AG tells them how closely he's watching them, they bring it down just a bit, instead of keeping it high for the holiday or even raising it as they typically would. It's like a little kid testing his boundaries...

$3.09 in Tucson.
My car has not moved at all this weekend. I've been taking the bus or walking everywhere I need to go. There are a lot more people waiting around at the bus stops than normal, let me tell ya.
Maybe it's all a conspiracy to get us more environmentally sound...
I agree with you guys, though. Big oil companies need to get their heads out of their a$$es!!!!