Gas Prices
My Husband won't mention the word "Gas" because he knows it will get me started.
The Hurricane did disrupt production/supply (LAST WEEK)... The gas that is in the stations now has been bought and paid for for over 6 months... HOW DARE THESE OIL COMPANIES!!!!... This is LOOTING pure and simple. I feel that the Oil Company Execs should be prosecuted just like the idiots that are stealing tv's and air conditioners when they have no ELECTRICITY (DUH). I've always used M0bile/Exx0n. This month, along with my "last" payment, I sent their card back in ribbons, and a note cancelling my account with "NEED NOT GREED" in 2 inch letters across the top. There are one or two stations in the area with gas still in the high $2 range. He$$ and a no-name station. Their lines are 4 deep, but I'd rather wait in line than give these big name mauraders any of my $$$.
I'd like to hear your opinions.
Kate Z