No appetite!
I'm a little over 12 weeks out, and I've found that while a month ago, I was starting to be able to eat more... now my appetite (and capacity) has really diminished. I've lost 51 pounds, and I feel SO much better about myself. But I just find that I have to almost force myself to eat. Nothing looks, smells, or sounds appetizing when it's suggested or presented to me. Even making myself eat, I can only stomach a few bites before I feel almost nauseated. It's literally becoming a chore to eat.
While I'm thrilled that my emotional bond to food seems to be lessening, I'm really worried about how this turn of events could affect my health. I feel rather listless (which could be partially due to the heat lately). I get in my vitamins, my water, and my calcium, but I know my protein is sorely lacking. A few bites of chicken or other protein a couple times a day just isn't enough!
I go to my surgeon for my 3 month checkup in two weeks... and we'll see how my bloodwork looks. My fear is that I'm worried that I'm subconsciously trying to starve myself in an effort to succeed. It's sick, but a possibility if I'm being honest with myself.
Thanks for reading.. I feel better just having said something to someone, even if I don't know any of you personally.
The best thing to increase your energy and overall mood is protein.
Protein Protein Protein
You have got to find something that you like. At this point you should have at least 80 gms a day.
There is a listing on the main forum about a 3oz/25gm liquid shot. Roasted salted soybeans (my favorite snack) 3Tbs/10gms. So many many many protein shakes, both mil or juice based. String cheese 7gms each.
If you find a shake you like that has around 30gms of protein you can drink it for breakfast and dinner. But Protein is the answer that everyone will give you. You are starving yourself and your body will get tired of it and your weight loss will slow way down.
Good Luck!!!
I'm a couple weeks ahead of you and went through the same thing a few weeks ago. For about a 2 week period, I had no interest in eating. Like you, I had to force myself to eat, and nothing smelled, sounded or tasted good. I didn't get nautious, however, but it certainly didn't enjoy it, either... I was averaging about 400 calories and lucky to get in 50 g of protien. Luckily, for me, it was short-lived and I'm feeling much better and while I'm not exactly hungry, I have an appetite again and am at least interested in eating...
Hey! We had surgery the same day! Very cool!
I also have a problem with no appetite. I can go a whole day without eating (and I have, unfortunately). I know I need to consume some sort of protien when I start to feel the listlessness you mentioned ... for me it is tired and light headed. I've also had some run ins with food the past few weeks that has kind of turned me off too ... shrimp 2 weeks ago and some chicken just tonight
. I guess this is all just learning as we go. I know that I really need to make a conscious effort every day to both eat and drink.
Hang in there!

Jasmina, That is such a beautiful name.
I feel your pain about no appetite. I just don't want anything. Had a stricture that they opened up 3 weeks ago and I think it is closing again. If I do eat, I usually end up
. I love to cook and spent hours today making dinner for my family and friends. I got 3 bites down and threw it back up and was done.
Hopefully this stage if that is what it is, will be short lived and we can go on to live happy normal lives. Know that you are not alone.

Hey Jasmina,
I had my surgery on 5/26 and I have not had an appetite ever from the beginning. I have lost 62 lbs. There are very few things I can tolerate and the things I can tolerate I can only eat a few bites of. A few weeks ago I was having trouble eating any bites and I started to get weak. This went on for several weeks and at my husband's urging I finally went to see my doctor(he is two hours away from where I live) My appointment was 8/18 so he let it count as my 3 month check up. The blood work showed that I was very low on Potassium so he put me on liquid Potassium (it taste terrible).
I have to take it 3 times a day for several weeks. Also he gave me pills for esophageal spasms and that has helped. I still cannot eat much but I do feel better and have more energy. You might want to see if he will schedule you a little earlier for your 3 month check up since it has already been 12 weeks.
Good Luck