Hey everyone. I haven't posted in a while and I'm sure it's due to returning back to the teaching world on Monday (after taking a year off). I forgot how hard the first week of Kindergarten is!!! Plus my little one started the big K herself.
Eating is reallllllllllly hard to do at school. That first week even though you have what they call a "duty free" lunch, it's very much the opposite. It's filled with calling parents, making copies (no aides this year...darn budgeting) and a million other things. It will get better next week when things are settled. I do not have any difficulty getting in my water. I stocked my fridge with yogurt, cottage cheese, protein drinks, amongst other things.
I think the craziness of this first week with the kids and last week getting my room set up, threw my body off of a mini-plateau. I've lost 10 pounds in almost 3 weeks. My BMI is 28.9 and I'm pretty darn proud of that. I haven't seen some of these teachers/staff since last summer and they barely recognized me...someone even called me skinny!
I think the oddest thing is that I still see myself as 221 pounds and fitting in those way too tight, button and zipper about to pop off 18's. I don't know if that will ever go away but I sure hope it does. What does help is knowing that the scale said 158 this morning and I had to get on that thing 3 more times because I was sure it was a dream. Another reality is I can wear Junior clothes again!!! Misses clothes are cute, don't get me wrong but I feel like my entire 20's I was stuck with unstylish things or just plain jane things to hide all those pounds. I actually bought a size 10 which still makes me want to scream "Thank You" to my surgeon at the top of my lungs.
Lastly, I want to thank everyone on this board for your wonderfully honest posts from the sad news to the best news. We all have one thing in common: to lose that weight and be healthier!!! Let's all make sure to get in our water, protein, vitamins and exercise and we'll hit those goals like a duck on a June bug.
Keep up the good work everyone!
Wow Ana,
Congrats! Looks like your are headed on the right track to SUCCESS! So very proud and happy for you. My babe starts "the big K" in 2 weeks, and I am soooo amazed. Where did the time go? Anyways I'm up for the vitamin/water/protein/exercise challenge...lets do the damn thing!
Keep up the good work!

Congratulations! 28.9..wow!!!!!
I know what you mean about the clothes. I keep looking at clothes and thinking, "there's no way that'll fit me!" Then, when I try them on...they all fit, sometimes with room to spare! Our minds play such tricks on us!
Thanks for teaching. What a wonderful, worthy profession!

Congratulations Ana...
I remember how hard it was to put my babies on the bus to the BIG K. I was very emotional. Then they get older and you think you are over the hump. Last year I lost it when my kids said good-bye for school. My Son (16) drove my baby (14) off to HIGH SCHOOL
I sat down and balled because they didn't need me anymore. My husband was very sympathetic but I could tell he was laughing at me. He went out the next week and adopted a stray. Matty (my new baby) is still excited when I get home, he lets me talk baby talk to him, he loves it when I scratch his tummy and he's always home for meals....
who needs kids anyway?
Congrats on your success.
Kate Z