HALLOWEEN costume ideas?
Since I will have lost so much weight by Halloween, I want to dress up (for the first time in years). It takes me forever to decide what I should be, so I thought I'd poll you guys for some great ideas. Thoughts?
I don't care whether it's cute, funny, scary, or creative...but I lean toward funny/creative.

I have been thinking about Halloween also. Last year my daughter wanted to have a party (she was 6) and it was a huge success. We have 7 acres and made great spooky trails in the woods and had a hay ride. So I have already been asked when the 2nd annual is.
I was a gypsy last year with a big black dress and lots of jewlery and scarves to distract from my size so this year I think I will be a gypsy again, just a little bit sexier!!!
Halloween is my favorite holiday. No gifts to buy or recieve! Just kids having fun!!
I think you need to be something that will help to show off all your hard work.

My favorite holiday!!! I don't know exactly what we'll be (we try to do thematic costumes). Hubby, I, 5 year old girl and almost 1 year old boy will do something fun for sure. My little one was convinced she would be Dorothy so I could be Glenda maybe?? I generally steer her away from the easy store bought costumes. I love the hand made ones because they are so unique and we keep them for fun afterwards.
Gosh, I just don't know for sure and now you really got me thinking!!!
Have fun dressing up. I love October! Oh, it's also a great time to go to Disneyworld. They usually celebrate most of the month and the kids can dress up. Just an FYI.