My surgeon's visit yesterday...
went VERY well. He is very happy with my weight loss and inches lost. I told him I was eating between 800-950 calories/day and he said it was a little high but since I am so active, it is okay. He said I am on target to hit 190 at this point (which is 15 pounds above my goal) which he said would still be a very good weight for me. I explained that I wanted 175 and he said I could, but it would be a bit more work for me. I'm doing 40-50 minutes of cardio every other day and a little over an hour of weights on those days, too. He said to do my aerobic activity EVERY day at least 45 minutes and I should be able to hit it.
One thing that I really wanted to share with all of you was about the protein. Each gram of protein has 4 calories. So, if you eat something with 25 grams/protein, it should have AROUND 100 calories (no more than 110 or so) because for every calorie over that 100, it's fat and/or carbs that are added in. This was good for me to know because some of the protein bars that I have are like 20 grams/protein and over 200 calories. The protein powder that I use (Isopure Low Carb Dutch Chocolate) is 25 grams/protein and 105 calories. So that's really good. Just wanted to share this with you all so that you can take a look at what proteins you are eating and how they measure up.
-32 inches
Hey Michelle,
Thanks for the update...I love to see how my peers are doing. I think that you are doing fabulous.
Thanks also for the protein info...I really learn something new everyday. Just curious, the doc thought that 800-900cal is a little high, did he say what would be ok? Just wondering, cuz I was told to shoot for 800-1000 daily. I know different strokes for different folks...but thanks again. and keep up the good work!
You know, my surgeon says "no counting calories!
I'm not worried about your calories."
I even told him that I wasn't worried about too many, but rather too few.
He just looked annoyed and reminded me "no counting calories!"
I do keep track on, because that's how I track my protein and activity anyway. I usually get about 600/day. Sounds low to me...
Maybe my surgeon is

Ya know, my surgeon is a genius, but I figure as long as I'm losing weight and am active, then I'm not going to worry about it. I'm keeping track on a lot of times, too. I don't know what he is considering 'normal' for this time, because I was actually kinda shocked that he said 800-950 was a little high. I explained to him how I was hovering around 700 and I was extremely lethargic and such until I upped the calories a bit. Then he kind of backtracked a bit and said it was fine since I was very active. I dunno - like I said, I'm losing weight, I'm eating healthy foods, and I'm active. I'm not worried about it.