To any 05/05/05ers
Hello everyone!! Just wondering how much weight has been lost by my follow compadres of this wonderful date! I've lost 115 lbs (42 prior)!!!
I'm sooo happy with my decision to have this done! This weekend my husband's bestfriend actually told me I look "HOT"!!
I haven't heard those words in about 10 years!!! Boy did that make me feel good!
Hope all is well w/ everyone!
Take care and happy weight loss!
342/227/hoping for 160

I was just thinking of posting something along this line, you mind reader you!! I'm down 60 and into 16W's and regular 18's. Even lost 1-2 shoe sizes depending on whether they're heels or flats. My men folk think I look super.
What are you all eating now that we're almost 4 months out and how much are you able to eat?
Becky Jean

Becky Jean,
I eat just about anything I want now except tuna (I'm still scared to try it again)! I've found that I do not dump so I do indulge in the sweets as well, but I'm VERY controlling about the portions I eat. It's no longer 1/3 of a gallon of ice cream or a whole bag of chips, etc. The portion sizes depend on what I'm eating. If it's pasta it's very small because it's so heavy so I would say anywhere's between 4-8oz of food at every meal.
I started out wearing size 30/32. I'm now wearing a 22!! I haven't seen that size in 10 years!!!
Thanks for responding to my post!