those stupid scales
Can someone plaese tell me I haven't stopped losing & I am gonna lose more. I weigh 1 x a week & my scales haven't moved in 2 weeks & I am so confused, is this normal or am I just abnormal? I feel like I am holding fluid, I don't go to the bathroom as often as I should, please send advice.
Thanks so much. Monday I will be 4 months post op & I have lost 71lbs, but please tell me their will be more to lose. I have 60lbs more to go. HELP
Tammy G
Tammy, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I've had a couple of 1-2 week stalls myself, as have most everyone on this board. One stall was even longer. Your body has to catch up.
If you think you're retaining water, and you haven't been getting in as much as you think you should, by all means, make a concerted effort to up your water. That right there can make a world of difference.
You're not done yet! Keep doing what you know you should be doing and that 60 pounds will soon be a distant memory!
I've actually pretty much quit weighing myself. I met with my personal trainer the other day and she weighed me and I see my surgeon on Tuesday and he'll weigh me. But I just keep asking myself, "How will I feel if I get on the scale and it hasn't moved or hasn't moved as much as I think it should have?" It will **** me off, that's what it will do, LOL! So, that keeps me off the scale. Weigh when you go see your PCP or your surgeon - other than that - I'd stay off of it completely. It's done a lot for my mental health!! I'm still
but now I can't attribute it to the scale
That is good advice. I do the samething myself. I went by my doc thur to get scripts for blood work for my 3 month visit monday, and was tempted to weigh myself, since its been almost 4 weeks, bu i reminded myself, it would feel great when i see i lost 15-20 lbs, but monday i would feel horrible if i weighed myself and my weight fluxed up or stayed even.
So i keep mental sanity and just dont hit the scale, it probably helps im too heavy for most scales. So after monday it will be probably another 3 months before i weigh again.