Hair Loss
Yes, Jean.
I lose about 2-3 times as much as I used to after a shower or when I brush my hair. I've just learned to be very gentle. The good news is that it isn't in patches, so no bald spots to try to cover. Plus, it's thinned out so nicely and evenly that my hair hangs much better than it used to and it's much more manageable.
I'm sure you'll be fine!

I'm losing quite a bit of hair. My hairbrush or comb is full of hair after I shower and comb it. It is getting kind of thin on top, but thankfully I have quite a bit of hair so it's not too difficult to cover up. I'm just worried that if it continues, though it will be VERY thin on top and I won't be able to cover it up as easily.
I used to have goregous thick hair. Now, it looks like a dead rat is lying in my drain at the end of every shower! I can feel that its thinner, but it doesnt look too bad yet. My mom had rny 2 years ago and she thinned pretty bad, and said that by 6 months the shedding was over and new hairs started growing back soon after. Hopefully I wont go bald in the meantime! Glad I had a ton to start with!