What are YOU Grateful for????
Hey guys,
Stole this from my Angels meeting last night. (At the close of the meeting everyone goes around and mentions a gratitude).
I'll start I am so grateful that:
1. I am a child of God
2. I have a wondeful family, and the cutest little boy in the world
3.WLS- the beginning of my BEST LIFE NOW!
4.My May message board- I love you all
Also, the rules changed at our support group, and now you're an ANGEL if you are 3 mo out, so that means I am an angel!!!!!!11....I got my wings!
I am "great"ful for..................
each and every day
I never realized how much I missed being MO. Well actually I was pretty sure I missed alot but just ignored it.
I am so happy to play with my 7 yo daughter and 1 yo Dalmation. To go bike riding with them and enjoy playing instead of watching!
It is so hard to put into words all that I am happy for these days....Jen
1. All of the beautiful gifts I've received in life.
2. My gorgeous, charming, smart, funny, and healthy son.
3. The energy to do what I want to do.
4. The fact that I no longer have to take kidney-damaging medication.
5. Restored eyesight (a direct result of weight loss and less pressure on my optic nerves.
6. The fact that I'm beginning to enjoy exercise and I notice how my body works.
7. A new inner peace and self-respect.
8. All of my May board family members!!!!!

TOOOOOOOOOO many to list... all of the above and then some...
grateful I am healthy and lighter after surg..
no complications.
feeling better
knowing my mom is in a better place and not suffering anymore
the internet (to keep in touch with all my friends)
my childrens and pets...
Im happy with my life...
Im blessed!!
Huggs to all
First of all...
I'm most grateful for my health and the health of my family.
I'm next most grateful for the true love, support and devotion of my husband, Rich. I've never been treated so well in my life. I think years of treating others the way I wanted to be treated has come back to me and to him as well.
I'm grateful for my WLS which gave me my health back and the WLS that gave my husband his health back. It is wonderful to look so optimisitically towards a long happy healthy future together.
Of course, I'm grateful for my WLS support...here on the May board, on the Virginia board, the main board and the "in person" groups here. I'm made some wonderful friends and new ones each and every day.