Lack of Energy
Yep, I have felt this way the last couple of days. I have been on a mini vacation from work because of accumulated overtime and all I seem to want to do is sit at home. I have to force my self to make small goals so that I get up and move. I also have to force myself to go to the gym, once I am there it all good and great.
This morning after going to the gym, I had a few errands to run, I thought I was going to fall asleep in the car. Hmmm, feeling run down.
-No answers here.
Ive had two bouts with being sort of physicaly weak and want to take a nap. The first one was about a month and a half ago and the second one was all of last week. My goal for excercise is to go to the gym 6 days a week, but I have been averaging only 3 and lately its been more like 2. I will take these bouts with fatigue every once in a while over feeling it everyday like I was before surgery!
It's not so much lack of energy, but rather getting up in the morning. I must hit that snooze button 6 times. Once I'm up I'm good.
I haven't been using the CPAP machine and maybe I need to get back on that. I'm also wondering if my iron is low. I get light-headed periodically. I see the nurse tomorrow, so I'm going to get that checked out.
Take care,

Ya know, my energy was rock bottom for the longest time. We're talking at least one, sometimes 2 naps/day. Not even the energy to do simple things like laundry or sweeping my floor. I discussed it with my support group and they actually said that maybe I wasn't getting enough calories. I told them I'd been keeping track and I was getting around 700-750 calories/day. They suggested upping it just a tad and see if that helped. (I was taking 5000 mcg of B-12 three times/week, iron daily, and my multi-vitamin and calcium.) They said that if the weight loss continued, and my energy improved, problem solved! They said that if the weight loss stopped or slowed down to call my surgeon about the lack of energy. Do you know I upped my protein to about 800-900/day and my energy has SKYROCKETED!! Just that small of an increase and I am full of energy now. That's my suggestion!!