I am being told my so many people and I feel myself that I eat too much. I mean I am losing but I thougt I should be losing quicker.
I can eat just about a whole slice of pizza,
I can eat almost 1/2 of a grilled chicken wrap with cheese
I can eat almost anything and never ever ever feel full???
I dont understand so many people say I eat ...... whatever it is they eat,,,, and I feel sooo full,, how come I dont get full what is wrong with me?
The only time I get a full sensation is if I wash my food down with a sip of water, not matter how much or how little I eat I never feel full and I am hungry all day./
SECOND PROBLEM... I can eat at a pretty fast pace and not get sick or feel pain or anything sometimes I find myself eating a little fast cause I get so hungry, and nothing happens... Its almost like i can just eat and eat and eat..
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry to put so many questions I dont mean to be a bother

Hi, Michelle, I'm also Michelle! I can't eat as much as you or as quickly as you, but we're all different. It takes me about 40-45 minutes to eat my meals. I will get a 3 oz can of tuna fish and about 2 RyKrisps and it will take me about 40 to 45 minutes to eat it - and usually I can't fini**** Like I said, though, everyone's different. If you're really concerned about it, ask your surgeon for an upper-GI to check it out.
Hi MIchelle
Please don't ever think you are a bother, thats what these message boards are for!
If I was you I would consider myself blessed. I have stomach, errrr... pouch pain alot. And still sometimes throw up. I decided after last night I'm never eating again
I do agree with Michelle, you really should talk to your doc. I know for me a feeling of full is nothing like it was preop. One sure fire way to make sure you are eating properly is to measure your portions. When you are done eating leave the table and put all the left overs away right away. This is something I have had to learn.
Don't feel so stressed about it chicky... you are doing great!!

I would call your doctor, at my support group meeting last week we had someone with the same problem, she was continuing to eat right but like you she felt like she could eat alot more if she let herself. I know that one of the possible complications of this surgery is that a opening can occur from your new pouch into the old and I met someone who this happened to. I would call right away and let the doctor check you to say either yes there is a problem or to give you peace of mind that all is ok.
Good Luck!