working out?
Hi Joanne! I usually always try and get walking in everyday even if I can get nothing else done. Usually about 2 miles. Basically though, I just stay busy all the time, don't sit on my butt as near as much as I use to!! I am 3 months out and have lost 67 pounds....(been there for about a week
), but still happy nonetheless!!

Well, I don't want to depress you or anything, but I go to the gym 4-6 days/week. When I go, I break up my cardio between the bike, rowing machine, and treadmill. I will do 30 minutes of one of them, then every other day I do about an hour or so of weights. Then after the weights I do 10-15 minutes of each of the cardio machines that I didn't do before the weights. On the days I don't do weights, I will either walk at home or do the cardio all at once at the gym (30 minutes of one, then 10-15 minutes of the other two, or I will do 20 minutes of each of them).
I will tell you, though, I do only lose about 3 pounds/week and I eat about 800-950 calories/day. I am doing everything that I can do, so I know that if my doc isn't happy with my results, I can honestly say that I am doing what I can.
I go to the gym 2-3 times a week (most weeks) and do 30-45 minutes cardio and 30 minutes on weights. I try and walk at least 2 other nights a week at home. Some weeks are better than others.
When you say "I have only lost 40 lbs" when was the last time you lost 40 pounds in 3 months? Be proud of your accomplishment! Besides, how do you FEEL?
I go to the gym about 5 times a week. On M/W/F I alternate lower body and upper body weights then I do about 20-40 minutes on the bike. On T/Th I do 1 hour on the bike (interval workout - 4 minutes warmup, 2 minutes really fast, slow down for 4 minutes, then 2 really fast. I keep doing this for the whole hour). Then on the weekends, I usually do 1 hour of Richard Simmons Dance Your Pants Off or Sweatin to the oldies. I usually will take 1 day off a week, once in a while 2. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. So really try, then after about 3 weeks, you'll feel so much better doing it. I know exercise, ugh, but you really must do it to make this work. Also, if your weight plateaus, then mix up your exercise routines.
Okay, I admit I am a little crazy
when it comes to exercise. I figure I didn't put my self through H*ll for nothing. I work out 6 days a week. I do water areboics for 1 hour every day, plus 30-40 minutes of walking on the treadmill everyday. (1.5-2 miles) To mix it up every other day I add to this routine 20 minutes on the cross trainer. (it really kicks my butt) Three times a week I do 45min of weight training.
My nut for a doctor told me that I wasn't doing enough exercise when I was going 6 days a week water areboics and 30-40min of walking. So I added the weight training and the additional cross trainer. It has finally kicked in and helped me loose more weight. I know I can't keep this up when Classes start up in September, who has the time to spend 2hours everyday in the gym?

I walk for at least 30 minutes 7 days per week. I do weight and resistance training 3 days per week, and I do cardio (exercise bike or something else like that) 5 days per week.
I think my weight loss is more drastic when I mix up my exercise routine. So, with that in mind, I've also started renting exercise DVDs to see which one I like best. They're pretty fun.
This past weekend, I did "Bellydancing: Hip Hop Hip Drop."
I would never do it in public, but in the privacy of my own home, it's a lot of fun. It worked my butt OUT, and the next day, my stall was over and I found I had lost 3 pounds!
Good luck! The important thing is to get moving. Find something you like (or at least something you don't hate) and start out small, then work your way up.