Granola Bars?
Was in Walgreens this am looking for a quick breakfast (fruit preferably) ...Couldn't really find anything appealing. I even walked over to the cookie/chip aisle. Then I saw the cutest little 3 pack of granola bars for $0.99. 120 calories, and 15 carbs. Not the absolute best choice, but the bars were 1 oz each, and it truly kept me out of crisis... cuz I had a snicker bar in my hand!
Hey, its all about good choices right?

Put the snicker bar on the ground and walk away slowly with your hands on your head.....just kidding.
That's great! You were able to realize that the snicker bar was going to do nothing for you and you looked for another option. That's proof that your "retraining" of your body and mind is working. Way to go girl!
Good choice! Ok my question is, you can eat a snickers? I guess after being sick for so long with my strictures I am "afraid" of anything with sugar, the thought of even trying to eat somthing like chocolate scares me, trust me there was some good looking chocolate goodies in Traverse City but I just walked on by and got a fat free sugar free icecream w/banana from coldstones (ok its better than nothing).