May Buddies Check In
I'm glad your over the stricture, and I hope you can start eating more foods soon. It will be good to see your Dr. and see what he says.
I know exactly what you mean about losing and regaining the same 10 pounds! I was yo-yo ing between 258-261 for over 2 weeks and it was driving me nuts. Finally my scale started moving again - although it is very slow.
Congratulations on the 90 pounds, that is wonderful! I'm sure having a stricture doesn't help you feel better, but has helped with the weight loss! Always a bright side, right?
Keep up the good work, and I hope you get some good ideas from your doctor.
I felt sick for 2 weeks straight after my 2nd scope. My health food store recommend Ginger, I bought these things called Ginger Trip, they are chewable but I suck on them, you may want to give em a try they were a life saver for me and my friend swears by them too.
P.S. was 391 your surgery day weight? If so you go girl you are smoking me!
I'm feeling great. I had lost 20 lbs in the month before my surgery which was on May 23rd. I've lost 45 lbs since. I had no surgery complications. I was pretty tired and run down for the first 7 weeks or so, but, now that I'm nearly at week 12, my energy is returning! I know I haven't weighed this in more than 10 years.
384/319/170 someday!
The current total as of 4:30pm 8/11/05 is as follows:
Deanna...................... -69.0
K'bears Mom...............-69.5
Becky Sue..................-67.0
If you haven't posted your totals yet, please do so now!!!
Let's see...I had surgery on May 20th. I started my pre-op diet in mid-February at 276 lbs. By surgery day I was down 32 lbs to 244. Since surgery I'm down to 203 so that's 41 since surgery. So it's almost 6 months since I started losing.
Grand total: 32 + 41 = 73 lbs
3.5 lbs to the Onderfuls.... Hope to make it there by Labor Day (I'd better!) when I go visit my sister and family in NY.
The weight loss has been slow compared to many others but steady so I'm moving in the right direction.
So very much has level is so much higher, stamina is better, physically feel better, off all meds except post-WLS requirements, off my CPAP. Can fit into size 16s and L/XLs from 3X+ and 24/26s.
No real difficulties yet.
I feel great. I'd feel wonderful if my back would cooperate. Had back surgery 7 weeks prior to WLS and still have nerve issues. Hate it. Still I'm 80% better than before back surgery.
Well, I began my WLS journey in Jan of this year and at that point I was around 350. The day of my surgical consult was 4/1 of this year and I was 340. The day of my surgery I was 326 (5/3) and I am (as of the other day) 266!! My highest weight ever was around 365 so from THERE I'm down about 100 pounds. But from surgery, I'm down 60.
I can fit into a good portion of my hubby's clothes, too. His tops anyway, he wears between a 34 and 36 jeans, so I'm not fitting into those - YET!
There's not really been any 'hardest' thing for me. I mean, the emotional part of it was harder for me than the physical, but for the most part I've had no problems. (except my french fry and pizza meltdown the other day, )
I've enjoyed so much since surgery. I've enjoyed shopping more, having my hubby be able to put his arms all the way around me and clasp his wrists! I am beginning to enjoy exercise - NEVER thought I'd say that! I feel HOPE - that's my biggest thing. There is actually hope that this is going to work and I will have a healthy life.
This is a great idea. I've loved reading everyones success!!!!
I had surgery on May 19th!! I was 262 right before surgery. I had a great first six weeks. Not a single problem. But then I got dehydrated and spent some time in the hospital. I got better, and then I got sick. Tons of coughing and drainage directly into my pouch. Not good for eating. I spent three weeks sick as a dog unable to eat much of anything. What I did eat I coughed back up (too much info)
I'm still coughing, but eating better. My taste have completely changed though. Just about EVERYTHING I liked before I can't stand now.
Anyway, I got on the scales this morning and guess what??????????? I've entered ONEderland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 198!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For a total loss of 64 pounds since May 19th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm soooooooo geeeked!!!!!!!!! I never dreamed that I would have this much success with WLS even through my complications!!!!!!!!