3 month appt. and profile
I finally started a profile today!
I had my 3 month appointment today and he said I am doing great! My weight is 257- my start weight was 324. The only thing he wants me to do is start keeping a food journal to keep better track of my calories and protein. I've been doing it all in my head and he said he wants to see it. He reccomended 2 books- one for counting calories and one for protein, so I went to Barnes and Noble tonight and got them. So all is good in the hood!
Now if I can just get through that cruise without eating I'll be just fine!
Oh- and he wants me to start weaning myself off the protein shakes over the next 2 months- and try to get my 70 grams of protein through food only. He said just not to re-order any protein and use up what I have
Hi Candice! I was just noticing how similar our height and weight is!! I am 5'11"..(some days I feel taller!!) and I started out at 320 and I am now 253 so we are progressing together!! If you get a chance read my profile and I think you will find we have alot in common!!! Congrats on your weight loss!