Wow moment?
So... I've got to give you some backround for this "wow" moment to make sense...
My Darling husband of 20+ years
and I live in a small town. My 10 year next door neighbor is a few years older than me (a few years younger than my husband) and is BIG. I don't mean heavy... I mean 6'4" 250 carry me off into the sunset BIG. He's never been married so I get to yell over the fence at him for... Not wearing a hat in the sun (he's balding)... Smoking Cigars (YUCK)... etc... His standard reply is "You're not my wife" "I don't have to listen to you"....
We were on Vacation last week and came home on Sunday. We had no sooner unpacked and sat down on the deck when my neighbor came over.
"I missed you guys" he said. "Look how thin you are getting"... "But I love you no matter what size you are"...........................
Needless to say, this snapped my husbands head around... I laughed and thanked him.... But the more I thought about it... WOW
I've been reading posts about people who have had this procedure and are feeling depressed. I wonder what their life was like prior to the surgery.
I thank God everyday for my wonderful husband, great kids, good job and my new TOOL (WLS). I know that I'll be loved no matter what size I am. Maybe that's the key to Self-esteem. I haven't always liked myself, but I've always been liked and respected by people around me. (sounds conceited)...
Sorry for rambling... I challenge everyone *****ads this post to tell someone in your life how much you love and appreciate them. Practice Random Acts of Kindness. It effects you more than you know.
ZEN HUG to all...
Kate Z

Thanks so much for sharing! I am a total believer in "Practice Random Acts of Kindness". It has a fantastic effect on yourself and those around you!
One thing that has been wonderful since I've started this journey is that many of my friends have expressed support for me, but, have also told me that they love me at any weight, they just want me to be healthy and happy! That is great. I think I learned long ago to rid my life of people who don't feel that way! Life is too flipping short! (As a breast cancer survivor, I got that lesson loud and clear!)