Three Month Checkup!

on 8/9/05 1:21 am - Baltimore, MD
Hi, everyone! Just saw my surgeon yesterday, and found out that while my iron, calcium and b-12 levels are normal, my protein levels are lower now than they were at one month post-op. Veeeeeeeeeeeeery low. I'm freaking out!!! I drink two shakes a day (morning and during afternoon workout), and have been diligent about Protein First at meals. I always keep high-protein snacks/meals around (cheese, yogurt, tuna, deli meat, etc.). I am so frustrated! For my levels to be this low, I may as well have done nothing at all! WHY IS MY PROTEIN LEVEL SO FREAKIN' LOW???? My DH (whose levels were perfect, by the way) says to drink mini-shakes (~10g each) at various times throughout the day, and go back to 4-6 mini-meals. But eating throughout the day like that feels so much like grazing! And, since I'm not hungry at 4-6 TIMES in a day, it's like forcing myself to eat. Plus, am I gonna start losing hair by the handful now??? Is my body gonna start consuming my lean muscle (and HEART!!!) to make up for the protein loss??? I know he's right, but I just need to be talked down off the tower. How the heck can I selectively malabsorb protein? Any help, suggestions, feedback would be extremely helpful! Thanks! Tiffany S. 328/260/???
Becky Sue
on 8/9/05 1:28 am - Fort Wayne, IN
I'm sorry about the low protein levels, but it sounds like everything else is going really well. Your DH may be on to something. Apparently, we can only absorb so much protein at one time. I've heard anywhere from 30-40 grams at a given time, over anywhere from 2-4 hours. Maybe cutting down the level of protein and spreading it out throughout the day will help. What did your doc say about the protein levels? Did he give you any advice?
on 8/9/05 2:02 am - Baltimore, MD
Hi, Becky Sue: Thanks for respoding to my rant. First he said that given the 2 shakes a day plus food, the reading could have been a mistake. He gave me a slip to go back to the lab and get the test done again. He also said that if I've upped my protein in the last three weeks, the tests wouldn't show it yet. So, I'll wait a week before getting the test re-done. Then he said that I should ask my nutritionist (I'm going to her support group meeting tonight) for suggestions on what to eat and how to bring this up. He seemed most concerned about the mechanics of my pouch at this point. Am I having any pain? Have I thrown up? All that jazz. I guess what's really freaking me out - aside from the danger of having low protein levels - is the idea of eating all day, even when I'm not hungry. That's how I GOT to 328 lbs! Sorry. Ranting again. tts
Julie Froggerfly
on 8/9/05 1:47 am - Tucson, AZ
How frustrating! ((((((((Tiffany))))))))) Don't worry about your hair. Your body is reacting more to the rapid weight loss than lack of protein when you lose hair. Protein can help, but ultimately, you're gonna lose what you're gonna lose, which hopefully won't be much. I'm starting to really like my thinned out hair. I was always very proud of how thick it was, but now it seems to hang better and it holds curl better than before. I don't have much in the way of suggestions for your protein, because it sure sounded like you were doing the same kind of thing I that worries me. I'll read everyone's suggestions too and see if I can get into a better routine. Good luck! Julie
on 8/9/05 2:12 am - Baltimore, MD
Thanks, Julie! That made me feel a bit better, too. I have thick hair, too, so I'm hoping that if I lose anything, it won't be as noticeable. I know what you mean about being at a loss for suggestions. For example, it's noon now, and I've had two mini-meals and a mini-shake: 8 am: 4 oz cottage cheese (11 g protein) 10 am: 10 oz sugar free KoolAid with unjury powder (10 g protein) 11:30 am: 1.5 oz tuna salad (10 g protein according to FitDay) So, I've had 32 g so far. Does that kind of schedule sound right to you guys? It feels like so much food!!! tts
Kathy & Rich
on 8/9/05 8:28 am - Fairfax, VA
Tiffany, Take a deep breath! The doctor will work with you to get this resolved. How much protein is there in each of your protein shakes? Do you make it with water or milk? What brand are you using? Do you know what your protein level is at? Are you lifting weights at all? Cardio exercise is great but I've heard that the way to retain muscle is to build muscle by doing weight training. Have a protein shake before bed. I've read that the body does well with one at night. It gives your digest something to work on during the night too. I'll premise this by saying I don't know what my protein levels are at. I'm getting blood drawn next month. I did have blood tests taken at 1 month post-op but was just told that my values were "fine". I intake 3 protein shakes a day each of them is about 35 grams of protein. There is much controversy over how much even a normal person absorbs of protein at one sitting let alone a post-op but a number bantered about is 30 grams. I do one shake first thing in the a.m., one mid-afternoon and one before bed. That's about 100 grams of protein from supplements alone. My meals are all protein based with just a small amount of room for other stuff. Good luck to you! Kathy
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