Replacing Food, What About You?

on 8/7/05 3:21 am - greensboro, NC
Hi Everyone..... I was talking with my Mom the other day about my weight loss journey. The question we came up with is what do you now replace your total obsession with food with........ My whole life up till now has been about food..... How many calories is it, what did I eat already today, what will I eat for dinner, what is everyone else eating, when can I eat, does anyone see how much I eat, is there food better than mine, should I get this or that, and so on and so on................... Now I just don't think about food, I am rarely hungry. I use to have serious food envy. At work I was sure I was missing out on something when everyone ordered out. I would get something on my way to work and eat in the car and then get something else when I got there! So what will I now fill my thoughts with? I am hoping it will be exercise but not quite sure yet. Maybe it will be shopping? Sure I can't afford that one! What have you found that you do know to replace food? If anything, maybe I am just nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Jen
on 8/7/05 4:38 am - covington, GA
hey jen, I totally can level with you on the food obsession(pre op). I never realized just how my life was based on food until now. I would eat from the moment I got up til I went to bed and all day I wondered the same things you did. My biggest culprit was sweet stuff, I had trained my brain to think that I had to have something sweet after every meal. I always craved it and would get very upset if I couldnt get it. Im ashamed to admit that I would eat until the point of being miserable and just as soon as I wasnt miserable I was ready to eat again. I often wondered if I had an eating disorder only Id never make myself throw up or anything(thank god). Now Im virtually never hungry and sometimes forget that its time to eat. Sweets dont even phase me now, its so wierd when I think about it. I too have wondered what in the world I was going to do to replace food after surgery. I still find myself sometimes unsatisfied. A feeling that food use to take care of. I dont really have suggestions for you, I just know that its a long learning process. Most often a process you have to learn for yourself. take care and good luck jen, candy
Julie Froggerfly
on 8/7/05 6:23 am - Tucson, AZ
I have a real concern about transferring my addiction. Last time I lost a drastic amount of weight, I obsessed about some rotten stuff, like clothing (hello, $10,000 worth of clothing on a $10.00 budget!) and sex (I won't even go into the details, but suffice it to say, the results were not good). So, this time I am determined to keep a careful watch on my attitude to be sure that what I do with my time is positive and productive. I am reading and writing more, spending time with my son (who has been my saving grace now...thank heavens I have him this time around), and trying to use this time and energy to work toward long forgotten goals. So far so good! Julie
on 8/7/05 7:21 am - Phoenix, az
Oh My Go****his is something I struggle with daily! What to do? When to do it? What not to do? All the questions that plague my mind daily! My best friend just tells me not to fret. She is 5 yrs post op and her advice has always been dont fret, do your best, live each day as it was meant to be......happily. Its so true about trading one addiction for another. I have talked to many, including my friend, and alcohol and sex seem to be the biggest because we have a higher energy level now and a better body image as we slim down. The alcohol......well, again, its one addiction for another. I keep thinking I want to trade food for exercise but I cant get the motivation for that. Wished I had a husband for some great sex! Cant stand alcohol, but a glass of wine once in a while is nice! Im not a shopper so spending money just hasnt been an issue yet. I dont get on the computer as much anymore, so that addiction is nearly gone. What to do? What to do? I am so interested in what others do now. Seems like we have alot of Food Porn addicts out there! Ha! That still cracks me up. Curious Carrie
on 8/7/05 8:10 am - somerville, NJ
I am still addicted to food! It's serious and something that I struggle with daily
on 8/7/05 8:47 am - Lititz, PA
I'm with you Aliya. I'm still a food addict. Just yesterday, I was walking around a convenience store seeing sugary treat after sugary treat, and I thought to myself "there but for WLS..." and realized that moments like that are why I had to do this. Without the physical ramifications of eating sugar like that, I would surely have gotten something (maybe several somethings!). I still want to overeat. I'm enjoying some pizza as I write this. I always want to overeat on pizza, so I stopped by here right now precisely so I am focused on doing the RIGHT thing!
Julie Froggerfly
on 8/7/05 10:43 am - Tucson, AZ
Alas, I will ALWAYS be a food addict. That concern will never disappear for me. However, if I'm going to make this work, I have to try hard to focus on alternatives to snacking. I dunno if it will ever truly be possible to replace food with something less harmful, but maybe whatever it is will successfully distract me until the craving has passed. Julie
on 8/7/05 11:29 am - Oak Harbor, WA
I've picked up reading again. I have read quite a few books lately. I also have become more involved in the computer, but I'm working on getting out of that somewhat - spending WAAAAAAY too much time on the 'putr. I also enjoy scrapbooking which I've not done much of in quite some time. Many people say that they take up some sort of craft which I would be interested in doing. I have been a bit more faithful in my exercise in the last couple of days and I have been enjoying it. I did the rowing machine and I REALLY like that! It's fun!! Today I did 30 minutes on that and 20 on the bike. Yesterday I did 25 minutes on the bike and 15 minutes on the rowing machine and about an hour or so of weights. So...maybe this will be it?! Michelle
on 8/7/05 1:29 pm - Milford, MI
Jen, What a great question, I recently was talking to a guy I know and was telling him how food was my one vice and now its gone, he of course replied so what are you going to replace that with (with a evil grin). I guess I look at addictions as just that and usually they are not good for us. So I am trying to not replace it but rather live a balanced life, however I have noticed I am shopping alot more than usual, I will walk around a store for hours, I figure its good excercise and I do discover alot of cool "things you can eat after surgery" items. This however is startingt to put a dent in the pocket book :o( I think I need a hobby, my daughter was into horses for quite a few years, I think it may be mom's time to enjoy the sport as soon as I drop enough to ride! Cary
April Loves David
on 8/7/05 9:34 pm - South Fulton, TN
Hello- Well....I have found that I have replaced food w/something. Its wonderful exercise! I don't worry about food or think about it unless its about how much protein did I get in today. Before surgery I didn't think about food so much. I mean on some days yea but others nope. Mainly when college is in. I would have to think about what I can grab and get back to class that wouldn't take forever. I start college the 29th and I'm gonna pack something to eat. But I have found that now all I think about is Hubby loves it to an extent! LOL! Its gotten bad lol. I have to have it at LEAST once a day. So I have found a replacement. And I was stuck for a lil while and well over the weekend doubled up. I guess is the best word and I lost 2.5 lbs! Was happy and still am about that. So thats my new thing! What a thing to be addicted to! LOL! ~April~ Lap RNY May 13, 2005 21 yrs old, 5'1 231 / 185.5 / 120
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