What a Weekend!
Well, the baby will be coming home sometime this afternoon, and I'm looking forward to it, but OH WHAT A WEEKEND! I had a great time, didn't do a HORRIBLE job of following pouch rules, although I wasn't an
but I'm okay with that. This is a new lifestyle, sometimes I'll do better than other times. Just accepting that is a different approach for me.
Friday night we went out with some friends. Over the course of about 4 hours, I had one and a half vodka cranberries and 4 peanuts. Before WLS, I would have had 6-8 beers and 2 slices of pizza (HUGE SLICES, too).
On Saturday, we rode our motorcycles all day, goofed around, and just enjoyed each other's company. Went out for breakfast and had a little bit of egg and bacon. My only "nono" was sipping on some milk and coffee while I ate. Later, had a chunk of cheese and some fresh-cooked pork rinds for a late lunch. We wound up driving up to Michigan City last night to the casino. Had 1/2 a bloody mary and about a 1/3 cup of chili. Oh, yeah, and lost my @$$ at the blackjack table.
So why am I telling you all of this? Because before WLS, I would have had WAY too much to drink, WAY too much to eat, and eaten all the wrong things. And then I would have felt guilty about it for a week afterwards. But you know what, I was very aware of everything I put into my mouth this weekend and think I did a pretty good job.
PLUS, the stall I've been on for the last week finally ended. I'm down a pound this morning.
Hope everyone else had a great weekend!

It is amazing to look back and think about the foods and drinks you wuld of had before surgery. My husbands family from CA was here all last week so my house was full up of "yummy" foods. Muffins, bagels, chips, alcohol and carbs carbs carbs!
It is great to look back and see what I didn't eat. Instead of focusing on what I did eat I remember what I now never eat! Its hard to believe company can come for a week and you can actually lose weight!
Have a great day!..............................Jen
Sounds like a fantabulous weekend, Becky!
You did a great job. I hope I can do as well when I have a fun-filled vacation-like weekend.
Did your drinks settle okay? No problems? Did you feel the effects faster and for a longer period? Sorry for the third degree...I'm just curious.
My son finally came home on Friday night, so we've had a nice reunion weekend. We read together, did an art project, walked to a nearby park to play basketball and frisbee...
Now, it's back to normal. Have to get my house cleaned soon, which I've been saying all week and have yet to do. I did get all my errands run...school shopping, back-to-school haircut, gas, grocery, etc.
Boring and routine, but more than I would have done pre-op. Which was nothing.

Drinks went down fine, but I took them very slow. I noticed that they hit harder faster, with little warning, even though I took them so slow, but they wore off much faster, too.
I miss my little one, can't wait to see her this afternoon. My son is at his Dad's for another week, but he called last night to ask if he could have a reprieve from being grounded from the puter...
I told him the rule was, he was grounded at my house, for 3 days after he comes back. His dad had to decide what he wanted to do at his house... what a nut...

I drank just a little bit. Vodka cranberries and Bloody Marys are the only thing I can have right now, according to my surgeon's protocol. I nursed a double (didn't order it that way - that's how it came) over the course of about 3 hours.
I began feeling the results about 2 oz into it, but kept my intake VERY slow. I felt fine, but definately felt the effects of the alcohol. I wasn't scared, because we had already made driving arrangements and I was with my husband and some friends. But I was VERY cautious.
I'm telling you, it takes just a tiny bit before you feel the effects. I never got "drunk" but I was definatly buzzed. I'm sure if I drank more or faster, I would have been on my @$$ in no time.