Update on me
Well things are not getting any better. Yesterday I kept down 1/2 of a hot dog and a 1/2 piece of toast all day. I did manage to get in 33 oz of fluid but it was a battle. In total yesterday I
22 times. Most of this was on fluids. I would get a sip in and I would get a sip back up.
They are going to do the scope on Tuesday. Tomorrow I have to go and check into the hospital so they can run some other tests also. I am praying that they find whatever the problem is and fix it.
Thank you to all that emailed me with your support. You guys are an
. I still have the emails and will respond
to them as I get time. With 3 kids starting school last week, One of which was on a plane the 1st day of school, life is kinda hectic.
Friday I spent most of the day in
with the heating pad. I did manage to eat 3 meals though. I only
one time all day. My Dh had gotten a large Wendy's chilli and I ate off of that 3 times and there is still enough for 2 more meals. That always amazes me. Still couldn't get more than 20 oz of fluids in. They just don't agree with me.
I will update yall when I get back from the hospital as to what was found and what they did. Thank you guys sooooo much for all the support. I am not sure I could have made it this far without ya'll.

Kat - So sorry to hear about your complications. I just want you to know that it will get better than this for you. I too have had complications since June 27th when I was readmitted to the hospital. My weight loss has completely stopped because I can't get in enough protein and liquids. But I know that it will start up again. And it will for you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is just a bump in the road for us. We will get past it and we will be on the road again VERY SOON!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep you chin up girl
Laurie, Sorry to hear that you are having them also. Yes it will get better I am determined. I am still losing weight even though I can't get the proteins or water in, just probally not as fast as I would if I got everything I need.
We will get through this bump together and be flying down the weighloss road.
Hello Kat,
I had lap RNY on May 18th I had some bumps in the road I started throwing up and it got worse and worse until they found that I had a stricture I am like an hour away from the hospital that I had to go to I was almost completly stopped up and I couldn't even keep water down but after having to have 3 ecg's 1 a week for 3 weeks and i still have a tough time with any kind of meat just ground beef. So things are going to get better and I know my complication hasn't been as bad as yours I had your frustrations and I would have the surgery again all over I am down like 65lbs and I am off 2 diabetic medications and my fasting bloodsugars for the last week were between 90-100 it will be 3months on 8-10 so you hang in there if you ever need to just vent you email me. I will pray for you that everything goes well. and remember the man above can help