I'm down to one pair of jeans that didn't look like clown pants, and they were so out of style, they were almost back IN style. You know the ones, peg-legged, go up to just below your bra, etc.? In addition, they were really baggy in the but and I was tired of my husband (lovelingly, of course) calling me Baggy-ass... so I went shopping for a single pair of jeans.
I started off before WLS in 24s, sometimes 26, depending on cut. As you all know, I've been whining about my hips getting in the way of progress. My "80's" jeans were 22s so tried a pair of stretch 20s on at the store... Hmmm... not bad. I wonder.... nah.... ah, what the heck....
OMG!!!! I'm currently wearing (stretch) 18s!!!! And I didn't have to lay down to zip them!!!! And they aren't uncomfortable to sit in!!! And they were on clearance so they're only LAST year's style!
I nearly broke down in tears at Fashion Bug...

Congratulations, Becky! Who cares if they are last year's style... it's not like you are going to be wearing them for long, right?
I have a few pair of stretch jeans (khaki color, olive and denim) and love 'em. However, now I don't even have to unbutton or unzip them to get them on or off. Doh!