Poll: Cooking, Cooking Shows, etc.
Okay, so how many of you find yourself doing much less cooking than before? What about those who rarely cooked and now want to cook constantly, even stuff they can't enjoy? Do you guys watch Food Porn, er, Food Network?
As for me, I've always enjoyed cooking but with our hectic schedules, we fend for ourselves a lot. Lately, I cook even less regularly but when I do, oh buddy, it's a five course meal! And the craziest part is, I LOVE watching the Food Network. I swear I've never watched it before in my entire life until after WLS. Now I watch it for entertainment. LOVE Rachel Ray's 30 minute meals. LOVE Low Carb and Lovin' It. I even like the Iron Chef - even the Japanese one!
What is up with THAT?

Ah...the Al Roker disease. He reacted the same way to WLS I hear.
Isn't he now like part owner of a cooking show? Or a producer? Or is writing a cookbook...something?
Anyway, I've never been big on cooking. I like baking...but I won't let myself. My poor son hasn't had a homemade cookie in months.
Unfortunately, I have let our refridgerator empty because I only buy the few things I can tolerate and the specific things my son eats (and boy, is he picky).
Maybe your extreme is better than mine. Heaven forbid anyone should come to my house and expect to be fed.
Food Porn?!?! Love it!
We watched the Food Network alot before our respective surgeries and continue to do so.
Actually, we tend to cook alot more especially Rich. Losing over 200 lbs, he is now capable of standing for periods of time and cooking where before WLS he couldn't.
We still enjoy food very, very much. Just don't eat much of it. Since we eat so little we make sure it tastes great. There is no time for crap food. Why waste the little space in our pouches with crap. Plus we want alot more flavor out of our food. It's quality not quantity now!
I LOOOOOOOOOVE Rachael Ray! I just bought 3 of her 30 Minute Meals cookbooks!! They are fabulous! Although it usually takes me more like 45 minutes to make the meals, they are all wonderful. I watch her show occasionally, too. It was funny cuz the other night I was cooking out of her book and I turned on the show and sho' nuff! She was cooking what I was cooking! Mine didn't look as nice as hers, but it was sure yummy!!

This is too funny. As I sit at my desk and Emeril is playing in the background. I am a addict. Food Porn 24/7
I love to cook but have been too ill to do too much of it since my surgery. I cook about 3 or 4 nights a week. Kinda a bummer to spend all the energy cooking to know you are going to take 2 bites and
. The hubby and kids have gotten used to it though.

Love the cooking shows! I just moved and decided to get cable (Im cheap) and I love watching that network. Its so important to eat much healthier now......you are right Kathy, its about quality not quantity now!
KAT????????? How are you feeling these days? I have been looking to see an update for you..........tell us how you are!

Becky Sue:
I love "Food Porn" . . . that is very clever.
I watched Food TV before WLS and when I was in my first few weeks was having such head hunger from commercials on regular tv was afraid to tune in to Food Network. At my next group support meeting, two gals told me they overcame "HEAD HUNGER" by watching food porn non stop for a day or two. One gal said she cried alot, but it helped her. I couldn't believe . . . even PAULA DEEN???? . . . yes, especially Paula Deen.
My husband thinks I am just torturing myself, but it is entertaining for me too. And I too enjoy cooking good meals for my hubby.