Crunches and situps
Hi all-
My name is Diane and I had my surgery on May 12th. I read here everyday but I don't post much. I am 64lbs down, and feel great. One of my problem areas is my stomach. I want to do crunches or situps, but can't. I had open rny done, and my stomach just doesn't have the power to do even 5 crunches. Is this normal??? I don't know if it is this surgery, or I had a c-section last July. Do you think I am still healing from that as well. All I know is that I literally COULD NOT do these crunches I was trying. Is anyone else having trouble with sit ups and crunches, or should I call my ob-gyn and ask about the c-section question????? Thanks for your help.
Diane, I didn't have open but I still have trouble doing my crunches but just do them the best that I can. Also, I have been doing arm exercises using soup cans, I figure every little bit helps.
Try laying on your bag and just bringing your bended knees up as far as you can without it hurting too bad. Remember though, you should feel a little resistance after all these are muscles that we probably didn't use much!
If all else fails, at least walk, that is better than nothing. Actually,any movement is!!!
Hi there!! Kudos for you for attempting some physical activity! Heck.......even if you get down and do one sit up a day thats better than ZERO a day, right? The law of physics says the more you do it the better you will become at it. Eventually you will be able to do two sit ups........then three.....and so on.
Anything that hurts.......pulling or stabbing pains, obviously dont do. Remember, even 11 or 12 weeks post op, you still had major surgery and your body is healing.......It will let you know what it can and cannot do.
One at a time Girl!!!!
Thank you all for your fast replys. I am going to stop trying for now and try again in a few weeks. I am going to keep walking and working out on the elliptical I bought. That seems to do a good job on everything. I was so disappointed though, I really was hoping to flatten my tummy a little. But like everything else, moderation is key, so maybe I will do whatever I can for now and slowly work up to more. Thanks again for your insight everyone!!!!!!!
Revision on 10/29/12
My surgeon said NO CRUNCHES....and you know really doesn't help... you cannot spot treat any area. You can strengthen the muscles but it will not burn the fat. When you lose weight you do so because you burn more calories and you will lose it from all over. especially after you have lost a significant amunt of weight you will have excess skin which all the crunches in the world won't help to restore the collagen that was stretched by gaining weight in the first place. Good luck be careful if you do crunches!