Can I whine Now??? (Long Post)
I am so sorry for all your suffering Kat. Just try and relax and take one day at a time. Don't go crazy on us
Ativan is for nerves, right? I can't figure out how that might settle your grouchy pouch but maybe just getting you to relax would help.
You might want to try some 'gentler' foods on oscar, too. Warm chicken and rice, a few cheese crackers, low carb yogurt. And just like a tablespoon or two at a time. Then try some more after 2 hours. I had to do that regimine for a while and still sometimes have to follow it.
You are in my prayers and I am here if you need to vent, anytime.
Sending gentle hugs your way,

Barb. Oscar likes nothing. He is not the grouch for no reason. I have done gentle foods, Gone back to the basics more times that I care to think about. Nothing works.
Ativan is an nerve pill that is also used to treat spasms. Oscar is like a baby, he likes to kick and move around, so they gave me the ativan to help him calm down.
Thanks for the kind words and the hugs,
Kat, I wish I could hop on my horse
and come right over there to hug you! I had those nasty battles with heaving and such for awhile and thought I was gonna have to live the rest of my life skinny but sick. But it eventually got better, and now I actually feel somewhat normal!
One thing for sure, if you throw up for awhile, only stick with liquids for the next 24 hours, thats for sure.
But I do agree with everyone on staying in touch with your doc. Let us know if it was a restriction, we will be praying
for you babe!

Im so sorry you are going through so much turmoil! Hang in there girl. We are all rootin for ya! Keep us posted!
Jump for joy that you have a good support system and a good doc
Know that everyone on this board totally supports you and are sending angels with big hugs your way
If you feel like you can, lock yourself in your bathroom and take a bubble bath
Hugs and Kisses coming your way

I'm so sorry, hon!
Hang in there. Oscar will have sunny days to come. Get it? Suuuunnnnyyy dayyyyyyysss....sweepin' the clouds awayyyyyy!
You may be going
, but apparently, I'm already there!
You'll be in good company.

Thank you to all that listened to me whine. Today is no better (actually worse) than yesterday but I made it through and am calling it a day. If I don't get some fluids in tomorrow I am going to the local ER and have them do an IV for a while just to tie me over till Monday. The hugs were all felt and the prayers are not falling on deaf ears.
Hugs to all,,