A1C Test Results
I just had to share with someone.........ANYONE that will listen.......
I got a call from my Endocrynologist last week with my test results. First off, normal numbers are 6.5. Two years preop I tested at 13, insulin dependant diabetic. Two months preop I tested at 11 and two days preop I was down to 9. I am 9 weeks POSTOP and am down to 6.3!!!
6.3! I havent taken any insulin since one week post op (not by doc's advice, but my own stubbornness and not wanting to be diabetic). I wouldnt suggest not taking your insulin, but I am eating healthier and drinking more fluids and exercising every once in a while. Im sure the 38 lbs lost has influenced my numbers also.
I just wanted to share........this is the first WOW moment for me since surgery. I wonder if it will ever happen for me.............
Thanks for listening!
Wow Carrie, that's wonderful! I've been a non-insulin dependent diabetic since 1996 and had gotten good control over my sugar pre-op. However, my sugars have been running high since the day after surgery. I even had to have insulin in the hospital. My surgeon put me back on my Avandia and it has helped a little. My A1C was 7.7 on Friday. I only hope my sugars will continue to go down so I can be "normal."