Can YOU tell?
Thanks, Michelle!! You're looking pretty different yourself!! I appreciate your response though. Sometimes, the only way that I can tell that I've lost weight is in pictures. The mirror lies to me everyday, but pictures, for whatever reason, tell me the truth. I remember seeing pictures of myself when I was my heaviest and saying, "Well, that must just be a bad picture". Problem was, they were all bad pictures!!

Thanks Dina, I'll take all the "younger" compliments I can get! That photo was just posted last night and you're the 3rd or 4th person to say I look younger! I LOVE IT!
That photo was taken at two months out it's almost time for a 3 mo photo.
Keep up the good work I'm sure we will see a difference in our bodies soon!
I have lost about 45 pounds and I swear it was all in my face!