Hi Ms Texas
Help me out here are you just post op a couple of months ago? I had my surgery May 3, 2005 so it will be three months. The differance between us at the highest weight was nine pounds. I was 266 before the surgery.
Are you saying you have sagging skin now?
How much weight have you lost so far? I am not experiencing this as of yet. I had a problem about three weeks after the surgery my lower stomach agravated me because it seemed like it was hanging. Once I lost an additional ten pounds that situation was history just like additional pounds.
That's weird, I've been wanting to tan, but was told it would further damage my skin and cause it to shrink back even less.... Geez... Now I don't know WHAT to do....
I haven't had too many problems, although I've noticed my skin getting a little crepe-y. I use a very rich skin-firm lotion EVERY SINGLE day when I get out of the shower, sometimes twice a day. So far, I've been pretty happy with how things (particularly my stomach) have been pulling back.
I have heard, though, that skin can take a while to shrink, so it will still be shifting even after you lose your weight, which is usually why Plastic Surgeons have some timeline for when they'll consider you for surgery.

I'm getting it quite a bit, too. However, I've heard that there's really not a lot you can do about it. It depends on how old you are, how long you've been overweight, and how much weight you've lost. I'm 36, have been severely overweight since I was 19/20, and when I get to goal I will have lost (from my highest ever) almost 200 pounds. Soooo....the skin is gonna be there for me. I'm noticing it mostly in my arms (the dreaded bat wings) and my skin is getting a bit loose around my thighs. Also, my boobs aren't quite as full, LOL! I have already planned on having at least the tummy and probably arms done post-op. I may or may not do my breasts depending on what they look like. I've always wanted a reduction because they are/were SOO large (44F) and hurt my back really bad, but now I'm a 42DD, so we'll see where I end up and if they're just flat as pancakes or what. Dunno...
I am so scared of the dreaded skin as well, so far I have had a very proportionate weight loss, these are my "HAVE TO'S" to keep the skin from a dangling.
1. Work out at Curves 3x a week, and one or two other days walk 1-2 miles
2. Arbonne anti-aging face and body (great stuff!!! even my surgeon said my skin looked great!)
3. Massage once a week
4. Vits, water and protien
So far I have lost over 40 inches and it has come off very proportionately, thank goodness. I know i will need boobs and a tummy tuck (I could have used it at 21 after I had my first child) but I am down right petrified of anything thigh or arm related!
I am in a horrible catagory for skin recovery, per the surgeon at my support group meeting.
He said the three factors are age(under 30), sun and smoking, well I am knocked out on all 3, so working out is essential for me!
Loose skin is going to be a big problem for me! I'm 44 years old and have been severely morbidly obese for way too long. The skin on my legs have started to be the loosest so far. Scary. I have lost 60 lbs, but, still have 150 to go. My doctor says I should wait at least 6 months to a year after I'm at goal weight before I consider plastic surgery. You know, these surgeries are not minor. They are a very big deal. The discovery health channel shows them on a regular basis being done on gastric bypass patients. Scary. Oh well, can't worry about it yet, don't even know how I'd pay for it!
I have alot of loose skin too, my arms especially you can see where my "real arms" should be because I have quite defined muscles but then there is the sag below ughhh, we had a plastic surgeon come to our support group meeting last week I showed him my arms and he said "how much have you lost" I am only down 51 so far. My friend thought he was kinda rude but I didnt take offence I know what he is talking about. I started water aerobics this week with my friend and am hoping it will help to tone up everything but since I have been heavy my whole life I know I will be best friends with that surgeon next year sometime.