Describe Your Mini-Plateaus
Hey girls and guys...
I'm just curious how many of you have had to contend with one or more mini-plateaus. When I say "mini-plateau", I mean two or more weeks of no weight loss. I hit a plateau at about week three that lasted a couple of weeks, and I am having my SECOND two-week plateau right now. I'm only two months out! I know the scale will get moving eventually, but it is extremely frustrating because I feel like half of my honeymoon period will be wasted on stupid mini-plateaus!!!!! 
I am getting in water and protein and I've upped the exercise, but it doesn't seems to have made much difference.
Can anyone relate? I know we're not supposed to compare ourselves to each other, but it's still nice to know if others are having the same issues.
Hugs, Tracy

I'm sounding like a broken record (or CD) yuck I'm old, but PUT AWAY THE DAMN SCALE......
If you take the scale out once a month, you are bound to see results each time. Women, by nature, fluxuate monthly. Pick a date, a week after your cycle and only weigh then. That is the true test of your progress. Why torture yourself with weekly or (Lord forbid) daily weight checks.
I hope you jump off the plateau soon... I don't know if I've had any... I've only seen monthy drops...
Good Luck,
Kate Z

I just got done with my second plateau last week. The scale was stuck and I just couldn't hit the 40 pound mark to save my life! It finally began to move and now I've lost 42 pounds.
I know that it is hard because, like you, I usually post my little "rant" during my stalls and become depressed. However, they will pass. You body is going through some major adjustments and needs some down time once in a while.
Keep your chin up and this too shall pass.
Tracy, Tracy, Tracy - I SOOOOOOOOO feel your pain!! I lost really well for about 5-6 weeks, then stalled for about 3 weeks, then lost 5 pounds over a weekend!! Now I'm stalled out again (for a week so far). I eat tons of protein, get lotsa water in, I admit I don't exercise like I should - but Jeez Louise! If I'm only eating about 7-800 calories/day and weigh 275 pounds I should be losing weight!! 

Hey Tracy, I have stalls every few weeks it seems. A friend told me to take a break from exercise (2 days) keep everything else the same in my diet but increase water intake. I did that for 2 days and on day 3 I lost 4 pounds and I went back to my old exercise routine. My friends said sometimes you need to jumpstart your exercise routine and your body likes the little're kind of tricking your body. Guess it worked!