I keep hearing about this wonderful Ice Tea and peach fuzzy navel nectar, but on my tight budget I cant afford to buy it. Does anyone else know of anything that might be a little more affordable that is just as good. I am looking for anything refreshing and more ways to get protein in.
Thanks so much,
Do you know if they sell single samples??
They do sell single serving and/or half serving samples at I keep some on hand because they're handy at work. I gotta warn you, their not fabulous - work best mixed with CL, but it's the best I could come up with that I could stomach everyday. I drink 25 oz of CL with a scoop and a half of Nectar every morning from my drive to work to just before lunch.
They make it sound like its the best stuff out there.. I am ready for the medical field to come up with a vitamin and protein patch we smack on our hiney and change once a day. I get so tired of swallowing those horse pills and worrying about the protein all the time. LOL
You know they could do it if they wanted to ..
Everyone's taste buds are so very different. I just love Nectar Lemon Tea. Other people don't like it at all. Some love the bottled Isopure pre-mixed - I cannot stomach the stuff - too thick and too strong tasting for me. That's why samples are ALWAYS the way to go to see if you like something before you commit to purchasing stuff in bulk.
You're right. I'll reword my "They're not fabulous" statement to:
"I love them" as long as I have to drink protein drinks...
If I had a choice, I wouldn't drink them, but as far as protein drinks go, I think they're as good as it's gonna get.
Haven't tried Isopure but someone at my support group meeting the other day says she mixes a portion with a correlating 100% juice and that does the trick.

I think a whole lotta doctoring of protein drinks/shakes goes on to make them palatable, tolerable or taste good.
Hubby and I both like the Isopure Zero Carb Dutch Chocolate powder. He is the experimenter. Mixes it with carb countdown chocolate drink and a banana. Or peanut butter - can you say "Reeses". LOL! Or a banana and peanut butter. Or with a scoop of Big Train mocha or caramel powder (makes great low-carb frapps - but it's got sugar alcohols and I'm avoiding them...too soon to try 'em) mixed in. He adores it all. Loves them, in fact.
I like the Nectar Lemon Tea "straight" just mixed with water and ice. Someone suggested mixing it with Crystal Light raspberry.
I feel like we are all science projects.
We have to experiment to see not only what our taste buds can handle but also what foods our bodies will tolerate.
I had a bite or two of dry cereal the other day. It's high protein, high fiber, low carb sweetened with splenda. Sounded good to me. Ohhhh, the pain. Saw my doc this week for my two month post-op appointment and he said my pain was probably a form of dumping. He said it was perhaps the carbs. I told him it was low carb and had soy in it. He was baffled but said it could be gluten or something. Who knows. Then he said "I guess you haven't tried it again." LOL! No and I have no desire to for a while.
Immediately post-op I couldn't do carb countdown. Tore up my digestion. But I had some the other day and it went in just fine. So tolerances are changing.
Kathy ~the lab rat~

I'm with you Laura.. I need a protein pill.. bad! But the hiney patch sounds even better.
I'm getting all my protein in with food. I may not be up to 70 yet but I'll just keep trying.
I get physically ill from the drinks I have tried.
hmmm... wonder if anyone is working on that protein patch yet....
I get samples from The Nectar that I like is the fuzzy navel and just discovered very cherry berry that is pretty good, too. A very tart cherry flavor.
For the fuzzy Navel I mix it with a couple of slices of frozen peach and crystal light (blenderize - viola - smoothy!) The cherry one I've only tried in water but I am thinking it would be yummy in juicy juice cherry flavor.
I, personally, don't care for the tea one, but many other people love it. It is all on your individual tastes.