Ooooch ooooch oooch, Ouch ouch ouch!
I went to the gym yesterday. It was just entirely too hot and humid to walk outside last night (high 80s with 80%+ humidity). I did about 40 minutes on a high incline on the treadmill and then...
I lifted weights....
My POOOOOOOORRRR arms! They feel like they aren't even connected to my body...
I can't lift them even shoulder high...
I only did 3 reps on three different machines... at the lowest weight on all but one...
Geez, I've got a long way to go...

The old adage is true "no pain, no gain".... I've always done strength training, but aerobics kills me... (thus the 16inch biseps).
Believe it or not, the trick is to get right back at it tomorrow. Someone explained it to me once but some chemical in the muscles will deaden the pain. (ya, sure)....
Can you do an extra 10 minutes for me... I just got back from vacation and haven't had a second to get back on track....
Have a great day
Kate Z

Becky Sue,
I guess yesterday was the day to over do it. I wanted to jump start my weight loss again and thought I would add some new things to my workout. A lady at the pool at some water dumbells.. The things weigh less than a pound a peice on top the water, but when you work out with them under the water it was like they were 30 pound weights. It was an awesome workout. But my arms feel like mush today.
I cant wait to get my hands on a set of my own. But they are 65.00 dollars and money is really tight until I go back to work in the fall. So I am bidding on a set on E bay now and hope I can get them.
Keep up the good work girls/guys
May 6th, 2005